[Stable Update] 2022-06-24 - Kernels, KDE Frameworks, Cinnamon 5.4, Qt5, Gstreamer, Haskell, Python

In Maboxinux using 515 LTS and stable branch all went fine. Thanks guys.

A post was split to a new topic: Bluetoothd error after boot or wake up

I first updated my system with pamac update --no-aur. It went fine. But now when I try pamac update (with AUR) then I get this message:

cp: reguläre Datei '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/pamac_aur.db' kann nicht angelegt werden: Keine Berechtigung
Fehler: Vorgang konnte nicht erfolgreich vorbereitet werden: Ziel nicht gefunden: gnome-icon-theme

Note, this is not an AUR package problem (I think). For some reason I do not have the rights to this file anymore? I was using AUR and updating since over a year. What should I do?

Edit: Something is wrong here. When I do sudo pamac update, then it works fine. But using pamac update without sudo, a graphical interface for password prompt appears and it tells me I have no rights. But I was updating this way all the time. It should work.

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maybe check the permissions via ls -lasih /var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/

7602996 4,0K drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4,0K 24. Jun 20:38 .
7602721 4,0K drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 4,0K 24. Jun 20:38 ..

for the sync directory. I should also mention this was right before I updated my system too. Not just after the update. And I restarted. Edit: I just wanted to mention it works with sudo pamac update. But it should work without too, as I did that since over a year.

On Cinnamon, my system tray is very messed up for some reason.

Reboots, restarting cinnamon, and checking the applet settings didn’t do anything, this only happened after updating.

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Update went smoothly except post-login where a couple of the apps I have selected to auto-start on boot/login failed… steam dumped core (started fine manually afterwards) and firefox “froze” in a state when I needed to restore the ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/sessionstore-backups/previous.jsonlz4 file to ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/sessionstore.jsonlz4 to recover my previous session/tabs.

I normally don’t have issues like these after impromtu reboots… so assuming an update reboot is more “sensitive”, is it better to disable auto-start apps before rebooting when an update has been applied… or is there another way to work with this?

Cinnamon 5.4 is at this point a complete disaster…


Yep. Already got a crash after a couple of hours, not to mention “intelligently hidden” panels are glitchy.

I had an issue with the Cinnamon panel as well. Turns out my problem at least was the “Collapsible Systray” applet. Guess it hasn’t been updated to support Cinnamon 5.4.

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Cinnamon Themes, Applets, Desklets, and Extensions are created by third-parties and are not officially supported.


The last update has render my wine game to stop working. It start up but then end up in a black screen. I have downgrade wine but that’s not it. I have revert to Steam to install the game. That use to work for ever before. Not sure what that is.

When wine is upgraded as part of an update, I always launch the config for:

  1. the default prefix… env WINEPREFIX="/home/<userid>/.wine" winecfg
    ** Sometimes other requirements get installed at this point… like mono
  2. and any game/app specific prefixes… env WINEPREFIX="/home/<userid>/.<prefix>/wine" winecfg

I wonder if I should wait 24 hrs before updating, I barely installed it yesterday and voilà ! a new update

Set up Timeshift, backups, and get snapshots first.

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@Ben I did it yesterday already , there’s one timeshift backup done , thanks!

I think I’ll update it soon !

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This update seems to have fixed a bug i have had for ages in plasma, where after booting to desktop having a second monitor connected but not turned on, the second desktop would appear on the primary monitor as an overlay until clicking on the desktop with the mouse.

Qbittorrent won’t start.
Exactly the same issue as this one

Telegram displays dark tray icon when dark plasma theme is enabled.


sudo cp /usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/status/22/telegram* /usr/share/icons/breeze/status/22/
sudo cp /usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/status/24/telegram* /usr/share/icons/breeze/status/24/

Hi at all,
is Virtualbox now stabil running? The last update the guests did not run stabil.
I am on kernel 5.10.xx
Best regards Stefan