[Stable Update] 2021-06-14 - Kernels, Browsers, Mesa, Deepin, Systemd, Gnome Apps 40.2, Pipewire, Haskell

In the mentioned page they say:

systemctl --user status pipewire
With pulseaudio 14.2 the output works

But I dont’ have pipewire, just the plain pulseaudio.

In today update I just had alsa-ucm-conf from 1.2.4-2 to 1.2.5-1 but ATM I don’t notice issues with audio.

Hm, I did look for this and try before, here is what I’m seeing

I havne’t been about to find non-git versions of mlocate and squashfs-tools.

Edit: I tried replacing mlocate with plocate to no avail.

Those are the official repo packages. With certain packages like those, Arch is pulling more recent commits beyond the latest release. Hence the versioning scheme.

Yeah. Just getting kinda desperate and can’t figure out what else to do.

I have this same issue and I am at a loss with what to do?

A post was split to a new topic: What is Pipewire and what does it do?

My 2 cents.

The SHA1 value - 9cd47445831dfd6770d4af0bbd9cdef16faf9934 - for manjaro-kde-21.0.7-210614-linux510.iso reported on the Downloads page - Manjaro - KDE Plasma - is wrong.
If you check the image you get instead 43f0f573d6c5d089cd280b622f228d1ea2933cf8.
The latter value corresponds to the one posted on the top of this thread.

Do you do the edit in the terminal?

Okay, so it seems I was able to solve my problem by doing

sudo pacman -S plasma-desktop

Somehow, when I did the update, a ton of applications including ones from KDE got removed, including kde-desktop, okular, Dolphin, firefox, emacs, steam etc.

I have no idea how this happened, I saw no indication it was happening when I upgraded. My problem is now solved, but I’m left a little disturbed.

The Pamac-Mannger crashes after the system update,I tried to uninstall and install “pamac-gtk” to no avail.

While nvidia has been incredibly slow in fixing their problem with their driver the pushing of a known bad driver that basically doesn’t add any functionality into production lies completely with manjaro team.

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When AUR support is turned off, the Pamac-Mannger will not crash after clicking “installed”, and it will inevitably crash when AUR support is turned on.

Seems like the kernels were compiled with gcc 10.1.0, but this release includes gcc 11.1.0. This makes it a challenge to build the NVIDIA proprietary driver.
Is there a reason the kernels aren’t compiled using gcc 11.1.0?
(Happily, my Quadro P4000 seems ok with the current 465.31 driver, driving a laptop screen and via DisplayPort, an external monitor).

I did the updates on my Thinkpad T420s today. Everything OK. But the fan control with thinkfan does not work. Tried everything I’ve tried in the past. But it didn’t work: thinkfan.service failed. Now I’ve read that thinkfan got an update and yaml is the basis. Unfortunately I have no idea about it. Can anyone help me further? Thanks.

See here: [kde] update checksums (fbea59f9) · Commits · WEB / manjaro.org · GitLab

Interesting update. Besides the canberra issue which was easily resolved with
pamac upgrade
everything else works flawlessly. I’m using KDE with kernel 5.10 on a laptop with a NVIDIA 960M card. No issues with the NVIDIA driver also.

Thank you manjaro team for an excellent distro, and all your hard work.

I have Manjaro as a virtualbox guest on a windows host.

I just did an update for the last 3 stable updates.
Now, I cannot see my shared folders on the host.

Can someone help solve the problem?

Following the messages from the boot:

systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service
 systemd-modules-load.service - Load Kernel Modules
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-modules-load.service; static)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2021-06-16 11:32:02 IDT; 53s ago
       Docs: man:systemd-modules-load.service(8)
    Process: 409 ExecStart=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-modules-load (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 409 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 4ms

Jun 16 11:32:02 leafHost systemd[1]: Starting Load Kernel Modules...
Jun 16 11:32:02 leafHost systemd-modules-load[409]: Failed to insert module 'vboxsf': Exec format error
Jun 16 11:32:02 leafHost systemd-modules-load[409]: Failed to insert module 'vboxsf': Exec format error
Jun 16 11:32:02 leafHost systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 16 11:32:02 leafHost systemd[1]: systemd-modules-load.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 16 11:32:02 leafHost systemd[1]: Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.

Hi all!

I have 1 minor issue after the update: not able to switch to laptop speakers/microphone when headphones are plugged in. Everything switches fine once the headphones are unplugged.

And finally, my monitor speakers were picked up by the system after this update, and I’m now able to play sound through HDMI - awesome :ok_hand:

I’m running manjaro KDE on an amd laptop with hybrid graphics cards (Nvidia).

I suspect the latest snapshot must have introduced a major issue that’s causing boot to freeze when some hard drives are listed in fstab. I explained the problem in detail here:

It started happening after a systemd update. However I run the kernel 5.x series, with both 5.11 and 5.12 doing it… the issue described above is said to be related to 4.19 alone. Could there be more to that problem than is known? Will wait for that patch to be reverted then try again in next stable.

The Xfce ones are still wrong.

I’m looking at this: [xfce/kde] update shasums (9a1fedf0) · Commits · WEB / manjaro.org · GitLab