[Stable Update] 2021-06-07 - Kernels, Perl, Haskell, Tesseract, Cutefish, KDE, Nvidia

Smooth update on my Acer MM15 & on my Desktop :ok_hand:

Cutefish seems cool
 but I think it’s more oriented to be used on a tablet.
I’ll give it a try!

Dunno. I have also

$ locale

What’s with the new horribad Firefox? Why does it exist? Is this really “stable” or some horribly wrong gone alpha that accidentally got released to stable upstream?

As a quick partial fix go to about:config and set browser.proton.enabled to false but this setting will be removed soon. :frowning:

Where can I get a current ISO? I have to do a fresh install on another machine tomorrow and it would be good to have the new 21.06 already.

links to ISO’s are in the first post :slight_smile:

1 Like

First post has the links. Just published.


Sorry, did not pay attention to these links because it said developer images.

Hi, Thunderbird seems not to be in the good version, I had 78.11 and now the version is 78.10 in repositories.

Yes, I also did not have DKMS compiled 340 nvidia driver for kernel 5.4. Rolled back the update using Timeshift

pandoc markdown conversion does not work with .svg files after update. Had to replace them with .png.

Reuploaded our overlay of Thunderbird 

Thanks for update, it works well without any issue :slight_smile:

I’m getting the same dependency errors, but no prompt that allows me to skip packages. pacman -Syu simply errors out

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)

and same with pamac upgrade .

Same here, got:
( 8/22) Install DKMS modules ==> dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.10.41-1-MANJARO Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.10.41-1-MANJARO (x86_64) Consult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/340.108/build/make.log for more information. ==> Warning, dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.10.41-1-MANJARO’ returned 10
==> dkms install --no-depmod -m broadcom-wl -v -k 5.10.41-1-MANJARO
==> dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.4.123-1-MANJARO
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.4.123-1-MANJARO (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/340.108/build/make.log for more information.
==> Warning, dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.4.123-1-MANJARO' returned 10 ==> dkms install --no-depmod -m broadcom-wl -v -k 5.4.123-1-MANJARO ==> depmod 5.4.123-1-MANJARO ==> depmod 5.10.41-1-MANJARO
Haven’t rebooted yet


I have the same issue on the 5.4.123-1 and 5.10-41-1.

==> dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.10.41-1-MANJARO
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.10.41-1-MANJARO (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/340.108/build/make.log for more information. <--- THIS FILE
==> Warning, `dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.10.41-1-MANJARO' returned 10
==> dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.4.123-1-MANJARO
Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.4.123-1-MANJARO (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/340.108/build/make.log for more information.
==> Warning, `dkms install --no-depmod -m nvidia -v 340.108 -k 5.4.123-1-MANJARO' returned 10

I saw the log. The error was about gcc mismatch (kernel 5.4 and 5.10 were compiled with 10.2 gcc and I had 11.1), so I tried to resolve by adding
export IGNORE_CC_MISMATCH=1 to /etc/profile and rebuilt, but that didn’t help.
Dkms reported that it was successfully built, but the driver wasn’t in the kernel.

The error changed from 10 to 2 what ever that means.

$ vim 5.10.41-1-MANJARO/x86_64/log/make.log
DKMS make.log for nvidia-340.108 for kernel 5.10.41-1-MANJARO (x86_64)
Mon  7 Jun 20:39:22 CEST 2021
NVIDIA: calling KBUILD...
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/lib/modules/5.10.41-1-MANJARO/build'
test -e include/generated/autoconf.h -a -e include/config/auto.conf || (		\
echo >&2;							\
echo >&2 "  ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid.";		\
echo >&2 "         include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing.";\
echo >&2 "         Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it.";	\
echo >&2 ;							\

This is the short version, the file is 15771 lines long! This error was initially in the log but with the mismatch it was echo >&10; only difference.


DO NOT reeboot your pc/laptop you will end up with black screen.

Currently I am on a kernel 5.10.41-1 fallback initramfs.

Can someone advise how to proceed ?? I can open separate thread if you like.

After update I cannot access a terminal or anything that runs in a terminal. My setup is posted with my profile here so should be accessible here. Can’t post other info. No terminal!

I’m on i3wm, no NVIDIA involved, I don’t have one.

Reading the posts here it may be a locale problem but I can’t use terminal to have a look.

Any Suggestions ?


Here’s a link that explains how to fix situations like this:

If it’s indeed a locale-related issue the link above will guide you how to access your system and then you can edit your /etc/locale.gen and uncomment the locales you need - look for en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 as the default locale as well.

Thanks @anon88624618 . I’ll go and have a look see. :+1: :slight_smile:

Update does not work here.
I get dependency errors:

Kann AbhĂ€ngigkeiten nicht erfĂŒllen:
das Entfernen von lib32-expat verletzt AbhĂ€ngigkeit ‘lib32-expat’ benötigt von lib32-fontconfig,
Entfernen Sie nach Möglichkeit lib32-fontconfig und versuchen Sie es erneut
das Entfernen von lib32-libelf verletzt AbhĂ€ngigkeit ‘lib32-libelf’ benötigt von lib32-gstreamer,
Entfernen Sie nach Möglichkeit lib32-gstreamer und versuchen Sie es erneut
das Entfernen von lib32-libcap verletzt AbhĂ€ngigkeit ‘lib32-libcap’ benötigt von lib32-libpulse,
Entfernen Sie nach Möglichkeit lib32-libpulse und versuchen Sie es erneut

Any hints how to resolve?

same here. But I get no prompt that would allow to skip thoase updates, so update fails with

Kann AbhĂ€ngigkeiten nicht erfĂŒllen:
das Entfernen von lib32-expat verletzt AbhĂ€ngigkeit ‘lib32-expat’ benötigt von lib32-fontconfig,
Entfernen Sie nach Möglichkeit lib32-fontconfig und versuchen Sie es erneut
das Entfernen von lib32-libelf verletzt AbhĂ€ngigkeit ‘lib32-libelf’ benötigt von lib32-gstreamer,
Entfernen Sie nach Möglichkeit lib32-gstreamer und versuchen Sie es erneut
das Entfernen von lib32-libcap verletzt AbhĂ€ngigkeit ‘lib32-libcap’ benötigt von lib32-libpulse,
Entfernen Sie nach Möglichkeit lib32-libpulse und versuchen Sie es erneut