[Stable Update] 2021-04-09 - Kernels, Systemd, Gnome 40 Apps, Mesa 21.0.1, Kernels, Browsers

Fluent update, seems even to have corrected Pipewire/Pulseeffects issues

Thanks for all that :wink:

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Dependency issues with xboxdrv

some Python package(s) update overwrote changes made by a AUR package, re-installing of gns3-server and gns3-gui AUR packages to resolve issue.

First thing I noticed - bad fonts in Firefox. I remember that there was a fix mentioned in one of the updates which I used.

sudo ln -s /etc/fonts/conf.avail/11-lcdfilter-default.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/

I checked and noticed that 11-lcdfilter-default.conf is not available anymore (symlink leads to nowhere). The only file I have in conf.avail is 66-noto-mono-compat.conf

P.S. Just added this file in my user’s config folder.


Another pretty much great upgrade for now!.. Many thanks Manjaro team and testers on Testing/Unstable. Let me to make some little comments:

Kernel 5.10 remains not labeled as “LTS” for me. Not a big deal, but perhaps important for the pure newbies out there.

This time pacman showed an error Python related of some sort. I haven’t seen very well… Er… I’m visually impaired, so that doesn’t help either. Maybe, was it caused by some odd leftover dependency from Iriun Android cam I added and then removed because I don’t really want it here for long. Again, as far as I can see all what I usually use runs well, so by the most part I will follow what good sense usually says: Don’t fix what ain’t broken!..

In Cinnamon I started to have a little light grey “splash screen” when starting up. Not a big deal, just a FYI. Maybe, something to do with the “Adapta-Eta-Maia” which is my theme for now.

Many thanks again and have a nice day!..

Should be related:

Seems those files moved to /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/

Everything seems just fine on my manjaro-gnome install. One question though, gnome 40 supposed to bring horizontal workspaces and some other changes but everything seems the same. Are we expecting further changes specific for manjaro-gnome? I’m not complaining at all, I prefer keeping the workflow with the vertical mindset and wasn’t impressed at all after using a fedora live usb with the vanilla gnome 40. Cheers to everyone involved for this smooth update.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Work past dbus-python conflict

First try with terminal pacman →

looking for conflicting packages...
:: dbus-python and python2-dbus are in conflict. Remove python2-dbus? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing python2-twisted breaks dependency 'python2-twisted' required by python2-incremental

Then tried No option →

:: dbus-python and python2-dbus are in conflict. Remove python2-dbus? [y/N] n
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: dbus-python and python2-dbus are in conflict

Third try via Pamac GUI →

There was error “Warning: removing python2-twisted breaks dependency ‘python2-twisted’ required by python2-incremental Add python2-incremental to remove” but I closed that and then updated system successfully.

Allmost first unsuccessful update on my main machine with Manjaro Cinnamon =) I’m still waiting to get my first experience of Timeshift restore. Has been years now without problems in updating. Just click and install.

Thank you Manjaro team for this great distro!


after the update, got an error when try to launch a windows program with wine as usual.

wine <windows_exe>
wine: failed to load start.exe: 40000003

Simply replacing “wine” by “wine64” solved the problem.


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Everything is fine…But I will completely reinstall Manjaro after stable Gnome 40 iso release.

It seems the GRUB theme is still not applied.

The updates are asking for pulseaudio as a dependency, but I remove it because I’m using pipewire. Is there a way I can update without install pulseaudio? (which conflicts to pipewire-pulse)

Manjaro Cinamon is OK

Everything good so far on Cinnamon version.

Only the apps are updated.

  • We updated Gnome Apps to 40. Shell and extensions are kept at 3.38 series.

I had an issue related to npm; “exists in filesystem”
I fixed it by doing npm r -g npm and then upgrading again
Besides that, everything went smoothly.

I have a small issue on one machine. While updating language it failed, without any hints :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

after update, VLC plays all videos with dark screen, correct audio though.

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