[Stable Update] 2021-01-19 - Kernels, XFCE, Plasma, PulseAudio, Pipewire, Mesa, Firefox, Thunderbird, KDE Apps

@ [Mirdarthos] Many thanks for the swift reply and reassurance. I’d just never seen my setup build PID’s so fast before but I have come from Kubuntu and almost exclusively ran an Ubuntu variant for the last 15yrs so it’s clearly doing things a bit different on here. I did have a look and /proc/ isn’t getting all of those writes, so it’s background forking I guess doing something.

Regardless, many thanks for putting my mind at ease so quickly!

That’s the thing. Kubuntu is KDE Ubuntu, so Debian based. While Manjaro is Arch based. They’re completely different. Yet oddly the same. I guess.

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Not worry at all; after five days I am near to 900 000 PIDs :smiley:
And as you’ve said this doesn’t have nor shows any negative impact on the computer.

[~] ps
    PID TTY          TIME CMD
 828912 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
 848178 pts/0    00:00:00 ps

You can also install iotop to check I/O activities.


@subbass I just want to add the /proc is a virtual file system. It means that none of the files and folder in /proc are written to your HDD or SSD. It is create by the Linux Kernel and shows the current state.




Tue to increased errors/warnings in .xsessions-errors i decided to downgrade the packages
‘xfce4-power-manager’ and ‘xfce4-panel’.

  • (xfce4-panel:1123): xfce4-panel-CRITICAL **: 09:04:25.348: Plugin xfce4-orageclock-plugin: The Desktop file /usr/share/xfce4/panel/plugins/xfce4-orageclock-plugin.desktop requested the Gtk2 API (v1.0), which is no longer supported.
    (xfce4-panel:1123): garcon-CRITICAL **: 09:04:25.749: garcon_gtk_menu_get_desktop_actions_menu: assertion ‘actions != NULL’ failed
  • (xfce4-power-manager:1181): WARNING **: 09:04:27.354: Failed to get name owner: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name ‘org.freedesktop.PowerManagement’:

I also noticed missing favorites in whiskermenu and thunar suddenly showing the .desktop extension of my launcher files (not so pleased)

I performed this update today. I am happy to report that, for the first time in more than six months, none of my user-settings were changed in the update; at least none I have so far discovered. I haven’t finished exploring but what I have previously thought of as “normal update user-settings changes” didn’t happen.

I use Papirus-Dark-Maia icon theme (on Xfce) with the Adapta-Nokto-Eta-Maia style:

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Uninstall all packages of proprietary driver and reinstall video-linux. There might be some configuration files left that cause the problem.


  • Qt4 got removed

Urgh, this breaks AUR/epson-printer-utility in a way as the AUR package of Qt4 gets suggested instead, which is intentionaly “broken” by its maintainer to “encourage” people to get to Qt5.

However that’s not an option for AUR/epson-printer-utility as it still depends on Qt4.

People still depending on qt4 should add package upgrade ignorance in their pacman.conf

So far this upgrade “went well”.

Although I still have any pamac package upgrade-ignored because I still do not trust the pamac developers about their definition of “stable”.

Kernel 5.9 broke during the update but was fixed by removing and re-installing it.

Same type of problem for me, I cant control Audacious volume anymore in tray by using mouse wheel.

Some AMD laptops are waiting on later kernel versions with patches to the Raven/Renoir Audio Co-Processor for the internal digital microphone array
Amd Renoir CPU: Microphone not working on Kernel 5.10.5

If information from that discussion does not help with your system
I suggest you start a new topic and post system information - inxi -Faz and ALSA information - sudo alsa-info.sh --upload

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You can see what i’m talking about in my screenshot, because 5.10 has no additional Markers/Buttons like: Stable/Recommended/Experimental but this Version showed up just Empty in the list, looks atleast to me that someone forgot to signed it.

Every new release since i joined Manjaro Community had this little buttons/markers, thats the reason why im little confused.

The current stable kernel is not labeled as such. Everything else is. :wink:

None of the stable kernels are labeled “stable”. Basically if it is in that list of kernels and NOT marked experimental then it is a STABLE kernel. The one marked “experimental” is the newest Release Canidate kernel.

The other special labels are “real-time” for kernels that are tuned for "real-time"meaning they are designed to guarantee a maximum latency between an external interrupt and the start of the interrupt handler, typically they are used for doing work with audio processing or other timing sensitive applications. The last special label is “LTS” which of course means Long Term Support and as mentioned above it means that it will be supported for a period of 2-8 years that determination is made by the kernel developers and is published at The Linux Kernel Archives - Releases.

The final label “recommended” is the label the manjaro team applies to the latest couple of LTS kernels as they should work for most systems without any issues.

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As others already mentioned: WhiskerMenu favourites were removed, default filemanager ('im using pcmanfm instead of thunar) had been reset. So far the worst “Xfce4” update by now.
/etc/xdg/autostart/ *.desktop files: “OnlyShowIn” will be ignored. Example:
/etc/xdg/autostart/pamac-tray-budgie.desktop with entry:
will be shown in XFCE
The next XFCE update will probably replace the icons in the panel’s “Power Plugin” (as seen on Arch Linux). These are minor nuisances, the basic manjaro update worked flawlessly as ever. Thanks to the great manjaro team!

Can you share a link about, for those that aren’t running Arch Linux? :slightly_smiling_face:


philm seems to know about.


Not a link but xfce4-panel was upgraded yesterday on unstable.

[2021-01-27T17:04:24-0500] [ALPM] upgraded xfce4-panel (4.16.0-1 -> 4.16.1-1)


You are mean the lowest latency… high latency is pretty bad :wink:

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