[Stable Update] 2020-12-30 - Kernels, KDE, Cinnamon, LibreOffice, Python 3.9, Mesa 20.3.1

This update was the biggest mess for me during all the years with Manjaro KDE. Spent 2 hours fixing it.

Update itself was fine, but after reboot I noticed ugly font and lots of wlan errors during startup, and WiFi (ASUS adapter with BCM4360 chipset) was not available. Multiple reboots and re-installation of Broadcom drivers didn’t help, so decided to switch from Kernel 5.4 to 5.10.

Couldn’t even boot to GUI on 5.10 because of TLP error - Stuck boot at "Finished TLP system startup/shutdown" new kernel Removing TLP didn’t help, still no GUI.

Back to kernel 5.4, noticed that Nvidia drivers (GeForce 1030) were marked as not installed after update (worked fine before). Trying to install them always resulted in error

nvidia-utils and nvidia-455xx-utils are in conflict

After multiple attempts I manually removed nvidia-455xx-utils and GUI instantly crashed. Reboot, no GUI again. Thankfully, I was able to re-install nvidia-utils via CLI. Right after that, GUI was live again, and drivers were marked as installed this time. Except this error:

Warning: config ‘/var/lib/mhwd/local/pci/video-nvidia-455xx/MHWDCONFIG’ is invalid!

As per @philm suggestion, removed MHWDCONFIG file and rebooted. Everything was fine, except no WiFi still. Re-installed kernel 5.10, rebooted into it, and - finally graphics and WiFI work fine (but only on 5.10, still no WiFi on 5.4).

The only remaining issue with both kernels is extremely big and blur font now - https://i.postimg.cc/NF6Ztb1b/4032-2268-max.jpg (screen size is “32”, and as you see, a short message uses alsmost all the screen space).

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I tried to change the size back and forth and it didn’t work, however setting the size to 47 instead of 45 restored the old icons size.
Thank you


Hello ! Since the update, I have a problem with my Grub menu (my computer is in dual-boot with Windows): a second Manjaro entry appeared, and I don’t know how to remove it (I checked /etc/grub.d/, I didn’t see anything unusual).

I also updated the kernel to 5.10, and since then, my computer takes a very long time to shut down.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve these problems?
PS: Happy new year !

Well, nvidia drivers have to be removed before installation, otherwise, system cannot run DE, though TTY works.

As posted in another thread before finding this one:

An excerpt from the bottom of my sudo pacman -Syu --debug output:

debug: started resolving dependencies
debug: checkdeps: package zfs-dkms-2.0.0-1
debug: checkdeps: missing dependency 'zfs-utils=2.0.0' for package 'zfs-dkms'
debug: checkdeps: missing dependency 'dkms' for package 'zfs-dkms'
debug: finished resolving dependencies
looking for conflicting packages...
debug: looking for conflicts
debug: check targets vs targets
debug: check targets vs targets
debug: package zfs-dkms conflicts with linux59-zfs (by zfs)
debug: conflicting packages in the sync list: 'zfs-dkms' <-> 'linux59-zfs'
error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: zfs-dkms and linux59-zfs are in conflict

Any ideas? Should I try to upgrade zfs-utils first? Should I first upgrade to kernel 5.10?

Normally I’d try and navigate this myself but I am very reluctant to take extra risks on a home server. Advice is appreciated.

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That is how I understand it: If you comment it out the warring will go away and the systemd-fsck will not work. You can verify it by running:

systemctl status systemd-fsck-root.service

I am reading more on the subject and as it looks like it all goes to the “Systemd does it all” , I am trying out the systemd-fsck, so I left the grub line, removed the fsck from the HOOKS line in the /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and run:

sudo mkinitcpio -P && sudo update-grub

The systemd detected my filesystems, created services for them and runs the scan on boot.


As usual with my AMD based Toshiba netbook after upgrading to a newer kernel, 5.10 in this case, it hangs early in the boot process and I have to do a forced power-off. It will boot if I select an earlier kernel from the grub boot menu.

This has been the pattern since early 5.X kernels, I have to wait for three or four kernel updates before the system will boot with the newer kernel. I don’t know the cause of the problem or if there is any fix other than waiting for updates.

Other than that the system updates went smoothly and the netbook boots fine with the 5.9 kernel.

Nice update on Gnome with linux54.

Thanks for the tip for the problem with shutdown delay, it’s work.


No problem to update Manjaro. But since I switched to the “simplified” nvidia configuration, I have no more mouse cursor in wine applications.

*Solved : I just recreated the nvidia.conf in /etc/X11/mhwd.d

A scarily big upgrade, but almost 100% OK on my KDE system.

The only problem was due to the Python upgrade, which meant I needed to rebuild AUR packages that depend on Python, as ever when it’s upgraded.
I really must work out a method of automatically getting a list of these packages rather than having to look through my package manager.

I can’t update:

conflicting dependencies:
- conflict between catfish and zeitgeist
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For the python rebuild you can use rebuild detector (available in Manjaro repo)as suggested in the first post, after every update it will list the AUR packages that need rebuild in the pacman output.
You can also manually trigger it by running checkrebuild.

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For stuff i had to do see: My switch to the 5.10 kernel with update 2020-12-30, which is related to the nVidia drivers…

I’m getting black screen after this update. Tried using mhwd -a pci nonfree 0300 but it gives nvidia-utils and nvidia-430xx-utils are in conflict.

I was using a prime setup as per instruction given here. Can anyone help?

Having the same problem (stuck at boot on “finished tlp system startup/shutdown”). Not sure what to do.

Excellent! I hadn’t spotted that. Many thanks.

“Start file indexer” did it for me, but now, one day later I notice that after reboot baloo breaks again :confused:

Which kernel? For me it only happened with 5.10, while 5.4 booted into DE just fine.

firefox- flatpak not starting, tried reinstalling.other gnome flatpaks i installed working fine.any idea whats wrong?

So basically same as me… hope this will fixed soon. Thanks anyway.