[Stable Update] 2020-11-27 - Kernels, Browsers, Maui-Apps, Pamac 10.0-Beta, Gnome, Mesa, Qt

Updated with TTY - DesktopBox-Intel i7 Dual screens LTS kernel KDE plasma stable edition ,
Quick check all apps working ,

Thank You

@philm I tag you because you are the mantainer of the package.
bluetooth is not connecting to at least sound devices because of pulseaudio-modules-bt. Installing pulseaudio-bluetooth has workarounded this and the git version of the package is working well too but the official repo ones, not. I think the package needs to be updated, right?

I agree with this. On Gentoo, for example, output is collected while building & installing, then presented to the user at the end—so the user doesn’t have to go hunt for it. (It’s pretty much a necessity there, in case the user isn’t running in “quiet” mode and has thousands of lines of compiler output and such.) I’d fully support such a “quality of life” change. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, a message at the bottem of pacman would be a very nice thing, if a manual task is needed after a package upgrade.

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Upgrade went smooth mostly, except for when I click on “Printers” inside the status and notifications section (Running Manjaro KDE), it says “Print Service Is Unavailable.”

I ran thru the CUPS update commands that were outlined, but not sure if my printer is currently broken and inaccessible from my Manjaro installation.

Any help would be super appreciated! Thanks in advance to everyone for your time and help!!

Except dont.
Never use sudo on your HOME.
Its a bad idea … and besides, you dont need to … you can just move or rename that file without it.

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Please read “Known issues and solutions” in the top of the page.
CUPS update needs manula intervention.

Yes , you are right.
Manjaro is awesome making Arch based Linux user friendly in many ways.

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If I were the package maintainer of the cups package , I would ensure that I would prompt the user
to remove the old and enable the new systemd services, if the old services were installed and enabled already.
If the services were not enabled, just the package installed, there is nothing to do.
What about a manjaro-settings-xy package as dependency , like manjaro-printer ?
What if an organization have Manjaro clients and they cannot print anymore after the update?

@laosom - I said in my post I already ran through the manual intervention steps for CUPS. Not trying to be a d*ck, but please take the time to read through people’s questions and comments fully before responding.

Thank you for your time and assistance, it is greatly appreciated.

You are right - but Arch maintainers want a system user’s know everything about there system and do it manually. That’s KISS.
Even if a package got into another folder or name change you have to choose y/N when you do a package update.
Having no automatic here makes the Arch installation very long living and a very good basic for many Arch-Derivates.

Manjaro made a lot to be userfriendly, but it is not easy to forecast all changes Arch packages will have in future. And sometimes there will be not enough manpower to fix these things in Arch packages in time.


That is nature of the beast when you’re using an Arch based distro. I appreciate the fact that Manjaro team goes through each and every update before it is released to the stable version, which gives you heads up on what’s coming, and that’s what I love about Manjaro!


Because of the renaming, I think the line in the Wiki has to be changed:

Oh wow, indeed, the documentation will need to be updated. lol

Just a FYI: @philm
I just did a fresh install using latest Architect iso, and the rEFInd bootloader option left the system in an unbootable state.
Because there were no menu entries at all you were left with a bootscreen that only has a background image nothing more.
I then rebooted using the Architect iso and installed the systemd-boot bootloader, to be able to boot again.

Which renaming? Which exact content should be changed? Thanks!

It’s already fixed


The Wiki was updated to reflect the changes this morning.


Why not to make it automatic?
There is no need to do it manual , the intervention is not needed I think …it’s not like the grub reinstall thing for the security hole that was a few months ago

Edit: may be manjaro-system can do it

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