[Stable Update] 2020-11-18 - Kernels, Plasma5, Frameworks, Thunderbird, Firefox, Mesa

dunno, my Airvpn keep working…

none has yet directed what to do…

I would try re-downloading the configs from pia. There were some major changes to openvpn in 2.5.0 that would require changes to configurations. If that doesn’t work then you may need to roll openvpn back to the prior version until pia updates their configurations to work with the updated version of openvpn. Here is a link to how to downgrade to the prior version of openvpn.


You would also want to add openvpn to the “ignore upgrades for” section in the preferences under advanced tab in the pamac gui until pia updates their configurations and you can continue on with the current version of openvpn.

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Screen brightness can no longer be adjusted (only 100% or 0%) on Dell XPS 15 7590 on linux59 on KDE plasma.

This showed up in logs:
ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [_SB.PCI0.PEG0.PEGP.BRT6.LCD], AE_NOT_FOUND (20200717/psargs-330)

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It needs to be () instead of "" now, FYI.

For example:


It wasn’t. encrypt is not default, so it wasn’t in the pacnew. It’s up to you to merge changes along with keeping whatever you added.

Before launching this update and upgrading Thunderbird (with Enigmail) from its version 68.12 to the 78.4.3 one, I would like to know if someone has tested this migration from Enigmail to the Thunderbird key management. On this forum, I can only find:

But it does not necessarily mean that it works well…
Thanks for your attention.

After a while I discovered it was an issue with plasma and the fish shell, I solved it by chshing to zsh (bash works too) and setting konsole to start /usr/bin/fish in profile settings. This is a bug with the way fish works, and they don’t seem to care for fixing it.

A problem has been detected with this installation of MKVToolNix:
The versions of mkvmerge (51.0.0) and the GUI (1..) differ.
Certain functions won't work correctly in this situation. Please re-install MKVToolNix or fix the problem manually.

I could not load my DE after the update (just a black screen) but i could switch to a TTY. I went back to kernel 5.8 and was able to boot fine. Confirmed my nvidia driver was at 450.

I booted back into kernel 5.9 and from the TTY I reinstalled the nvidia-450 driver ( mhwd -i pci video-nvidia-450xx ). I confirmed when it prompted to reinstall nvidia-450.

This resolved the issue for me, hope that helps someone

Had to restore from the lvm snapshot. All the initramfs fail because of “unknown filesystem type” while trying to mount /new_root. I wonder they can’t find /dev/mapper/root_lv anymore, ext4 on lvm2.
/etc/mkinitcpio.conf has
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck)
And previously worked like a charm. Ideas?

  • Some hooks that may be required for your system like lvm2 , mdadm , and encrypt are NOT enabled by default. Read the #HOOKS section carefully for instructions.


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This update breaks my productive system … black screen after reboot :angry:
CPU: 3950X GPU: Nvidia RTX 3090

can you get to a TTY, if so try reinstalling the nvidia driver like i posted above. Worked for me

i had to uninstall it first with
mhwd -r pci video-nvidia-455xx
and then i installed
mhwd -r pci video-nvidia-450xx

but its also not working.
Kenel 5.9 black screen
Kernel 5.8 emergency mode :rotating_light:

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libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Now the video is packaged incorrectly, MediaInfo shows incorrect bitrate and fps.

System no longer booting into OS since update.

  • Forgot to check package list so 5.9 was installed (which doesn’t work with nvidia drivers yet)
  • 5.8 no longer works after update
    Failed to start kernel modules
    Failed to start CLI Netfilter Manager
    Failed to mount /boot/efi
    Dependency failed for Local File System

In an attempt to fix it, I booted from usb and tried to do a grub reinstalled (the usual fix when I have boot issue in the past). Now the grub menu no longer shows up and it goes straight to the lastest version that doesn’t work (Failed to load Light Display Manager). Removed linux-latest / 5.9 manually, but grub and 5.8 still doesn’t seem to work anymore (also tried to downgrade grub).

Grub no longer recognize my nvme drive while doing probing (windows dual boot)

Anyone else having similar issue? Any idea on how to fix this?

amd r5 2600x cpu / nvidia 2060 super gpu. nvme boot drive (both os)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Problems with Digikam

Currently experiencing similar issues with 5.9.8-2 and 5.8.18-1.
Booting to 5.4.77-1 seems to work as a temporary solution


A post was split to a new topic: I can’t login after reboot

Wait, sorry, I may be missing the point.

Before the update:

  • /etc/mkinitcpio.conf exists
  • no pacs /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.* exist
  • encrypt hook is evidently set, as everything with initramfs and booting and encryption works

After the update:

  • /etc/mkinitcpio.conf exists
  • no pacs /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.* exist
  • encrypt hook is missing

Where did I miss the chance here to keep whatever I added or even notice that /etc/mkinitcpio.conf may have changed? There’s no pacnew (and I didn’t remove any) and there were, afaik, no notices about this when running the update.