[Stable Update] 2020-11-18 - Kernels, Plasma5, Frameworks, Thunderbird, Firefox, Mesa

There is three orphan. guile , lib32-attr and startup-notification. Can I uninstall them?

Is the DP-alt mode fixed for the Pinebook Pro? I don’t see it anymore in the list of older issues

In Kernel series 5.9x I cannot mount loop iso by gnome-disk utility.

Just upgraded on Manjaro KDE and my Flatpak icons disappeared. They are still installed but not available in Plasma desktop. When launching flatpak from command line I get the message:

Note that the directories  


are not in the search path set by the XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable, so
applications installed by Flatpak may not appear on your desktop until the
session is restarted.

The very same issue is described by @squidink7 here.

this update is not for arm


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the redrawing problem still exists, when mesa version is 20.2.2-2

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Hi, after updating (Manjaro KDE) startup-notification 0.123-7 appears as an orphan.
Can it be removed?

After the update & reboot, desktop on my desktop on primary display went black, without wallpaper image, but with functional panel and start menu. Mouse right click on primary desktop didn’t work at all. I changed resolution for primary display only to some other resolution and back to default, and everything went fine again. Wallpaper was visible and right mouse click works again.

After the update and the restart sddm failed to start, but the additional update with sddm fix helped. Although now I’m unable to change the brightness on kernel 5.9.8-2, but luckily on experimental 5.10.rc4.d1117.g0fa8ee0-1 brightness works.
I tried reinstalling drivers but it didn’t helped, same for changing value in /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness. Probably something with kernel or its acpi_backlight setting, since the update to experimental helped. I haven’t been trying manually setting acpi_osi=Linux or anything like that.

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Use i915.enable_dpcd_backlight=0 as boot parameter to fix backlight problem


I had a minor issue with my system becoming very unresponsive on the first reboot. I think this was to do with thunderbird. No issues thereafter. :crossed_fingers:

after this update I have problem booting from luks encrypted volume. using kernel 5.9 after grub when kernel must boot it says ERROR /dev/mapper/luks… not found. I was suspecting on kernel installed kernel 5.4 from live system. But have same issue. there is no /dev/mapper directory at all. Could someone help please?

after this update I have problem booting from luks encrypted volume. using kernel 5.9 after grub when kernel must boot it says ERROR /dev/mapper/luks… not found. I was suspecting on kernel installed kernel 5.4 from live system. But have same issue. there is no /dev/mapper directory at all. Could someone help please?

Same issue here

downgrading grub to previous version 2.04-11.1 did not help

Do you have systemd hook in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf?

no this is all I have in

HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck)

should I add systemd to Hooks of /etc/mkinitcpio.conf?

this was indeed an issue with yay, together with yay not being able to create a config file if there already wasnt one, an update released a day ago for yay was included in this round of updates here

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Hey guys, thanks for this update! You’re doing an awesome job! :slight_smile:

There were two issues I faced during the update, which I had to fix.

  1. The problem with the jade-application-kit package. I couldn’t update the system as it constantly dropped an error saying that some files depending on that package already exist. So I have removed that package as it was used by the office-online app as a dependency, which I actually don’t use anymore.

  2. And once again I had a problem with the system hanging on “Started CUPS scheduler” during boot. It was the same issue with the nvidia driver. I did force reinstall sudo mhwd -f -i pci video-nvidia-455xx. After that the system booted just fine. For more details, check my old post here, as I already faced that isssue before, when I was updating my system to the 5.8.6-1 kernel.

Overall everything updated with no issues and all seems to work just fine.

I just upgraded a Manjaro KDE VMware virtual machine:

update broke desktop effects (wobbly windows at least) - looks like compositor issue.
second display not working correctly (worked before update)
KDE panel and menu became transparent.

Same bugs (except transparent menu and panel) are also present after fresh installation of new VMware VM.
Kernel before update was 5.9.3

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