[Stable Update] 2020-10-01 - Kernels, Mesa, KDE-Framework, Deepin, Systemd, Pamac, Xorg-Server, Qt

Updated on Lenovo T420s, i3WM, Linux 5.8.

One interesting warring during installation:
warning: directory permissions differ on /root/ filesystem: 750 package: 755

Solved it. Just went to ./local/share and deleted the plasmashell and plasma folder. I do know that is going to become and issue probably down the line.


I’m not sure why they are recommending installing pacman-static in the instructions above @philm can you enlighten us as to why pacman-static should be used to update this release?

What that command does is the following:

sudo pacman -Syy

This command forces pacman download a fresh copy of all the the master package database from the servers even if they appear to be up-to date

sudo pacman -S pacman-static

This command installs the package “pacman-static” This version of pacman has the libraries statically linked per https://github.com/chaitanyarahalkar/Pacman-Static. As to why we should be using this version of pacman I’m not sure until @philm or someone else on the manjaro team chimes in with a reply but here are some possible reasons listed in the github page for the package

Precompiled and statically linked Pacman (The package manager for Arch Linux) binary for Arch Linux.
Why would you need them?

There are some reasons why you might be looking for these statically linked binaries:

You have accidentally deleted Glibc or any other C Library implementation.
You accidentally deleted a shared object required by the dynamic binary.
You want to avoid the "dependency hell" paranoia.
You want to port Pacman to a different Linux distribution.

And finally,

sudo pacman-static -Syyu

This command once again forces the newly installed pacman-static program to download a fresh copy of all the the master package database from the servers even if they appear to be up-to date and then upgrades all packages that are out-of-date. (pacman -Syyu is normally the command I use to update my system we’ll have to wait and see why switching to pacman-static is being recommended for this update)


Don’t know. Seems at some point that suggested got added to my template by a moderator. pacman-static is useful if you have an old installation of Manjaro or don’t update so often. I’ve to see when it got added …

I get the same warning every time I update. I think it’s harmless.


Upstream notice

Arch updated their default compression to zstd . We adopted to the same standard. More and more packages will have the zst extension from now on. If you get for what ever reason an error with ZSTD not supported as archive format you can do this:

sudo pacman -Syy
sudo pacman -S pacman-static
sudo pacman-static -Syyu

This was the whole message in the announcements (since Arch moved to zstd).


I’ve got this issue too after upgrading (KDE Plasma Crashing):

This is the error:

Okt 01 18:01:36 solver systemd-coredump[5638]: [🡕] Process 5514 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                               Stack trace of thread 5514:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e6799758 n/a (libQt5Gui.so.5 + 0x49d758)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e679d0ce _ZNK17QGridLayoutEngine22ensureColumnAndRowDataEP18QGridLayoutRowDataP14QGridLayoutBoxPKdS5_N2Qt11OrientationEPK24QAbstractLayoutStyleInfo (libQt5Gui.so.5 + 0x4a10ce)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e679d4d6 _ZNK17QGridLayoutEngine8sizeHintEN2Qt8SizeHintERK6QSizeFPK24QAbstractLayoutStyleInfo (libQt5Gui.so.5 + 0x4a14d6)
                                               #3  0x00007f41cdcb8d5e n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10d5e)
                                               #4  0x00007f41cdcb66ba n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe6ba)
                                               #5  0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #6  0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #7  0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #8  0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #9  0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #10 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #11 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #12 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #13 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #14 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #15 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #16 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #17 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #18 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #19 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #20 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #21 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #22 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #23 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #24 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #25 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #26 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #27 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #28 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #29 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #30 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #31 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #32 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #33 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #34 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #35 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #36 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #37 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #38 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #39 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #40 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #41 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #42 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #43 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #44 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #45 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #46 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #47 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #48 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #49 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #50 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #51 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #52 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #53 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #54 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #55 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #56 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #57 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #58 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #59 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               #60 0x00007f41cdcb672f n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0xe72f)
                                               #61 0x00007f41cdcbb2b6 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x132b6)
                                               #62 0x00007f41cdcb8a22 n/a (libqquicklayoutsplugin.so + 0x10a22)
                                               #63 0x00007f41e7b4a4f1 _ZN10QQuickItem15setImplicitSizeEdd (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x23e4f1)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5593:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5589:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5590:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5595:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53396a2 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf6a2)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e0d4 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd40d4)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e7b012fb n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f52fb)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e7b0389b n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f789b)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5594:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5585:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5588:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5587:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5592:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5611:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53396a2 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf6a2)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e0d4 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd40d4)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e7b012fb n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f52fb)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e7b0389b n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f789b)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5528:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53396a2 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf6a2)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e0d4 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd40d4)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e7b012fb n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f52fb)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e7b0389b n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f789b)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5557:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5586:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5526:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53396a2 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf6a2)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e0d4 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd40d4)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e7b012fb n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f52fb)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e7b0389b n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f789b)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5556:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5569:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e5af746f __poll (libc.so.6 + 0xf546f)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e452a188 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xa4188)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e44d7421 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x51421)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e60b6941 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x30c941)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e605c65c _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2b265c)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5e76ca2 _ZN7QThread4execEv (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xccca2)
                                               #6  0x00007f41b8282bab _ZN15KCupsConnection3runEv (libkcupslib.so + 0x20bab)
                                               #7  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #8  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #9  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5591:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53399c8 pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf9c8)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e058 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd4058)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e5e7bfc4 n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd1fc4)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5530:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e53396a2 pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (libpthread.so.0 + 0xf6a2)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e5e7e0d4 _ZN14QWaitCondition4waitEP6QMutex14QDeadlineTimer (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xd40d4)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e7b012fb n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f52fb)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e7b0389b n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1f789b)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5529:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e5af746f __poll (libc.so.6 + 0xf546f)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e452a188 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xa4188)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e44d7421 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x51421)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e60b6941 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x30c941)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e605c65c _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2b265c)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5e76ca2 _ZN7QThread4execEv (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xccca2)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e7a521db n/a (libQt5Quick.so.5 + 0x1461db)
                                               #7  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #8  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #9  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5522:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e5af746f __poll (libc.so.6 + 0xf546f)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e452a188 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xa4188)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e44d7421 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x51421)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e60b6941 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x30c941)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e605c65c _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2b265c)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5e76ca2 _ZN7QThread4execEv (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xccca2)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e7162098 n/a (libQt5DBus.so.5 + 0x17098)
                                               #7  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #8  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #9  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5523:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e5af746f __poll (libc.so.6 + 0xf546f)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e452a188 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xa4188)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e44d7421 g_main_context_iteration (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x51421)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e60b6941 _ZN20QEventDispatcherGlib13processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x30c941)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e605c65c _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2b265c)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e5e76ca2 _ZN7QThread4execEv (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xccca2)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e77b64b9 n/a (libQt5Qml.so.5 + 0x30c4b9)
                                               #7  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #8  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #9  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)
                                               Stack trace of thread 5521:
                                               #0  0x00007f41e5af746f __poll (libc.so.6 + 0xf546f)
                                               #1  0x00007f41e7f2a63b n/a (libxcb.so.1 + 0xc63b)
                                               #2  0x00007f41e7f2c37b xcb_wait_for_event (libxcb.so.1 + 0xe37b)
                                               #3  0x00007f41e191cf61 n/a (libQt5XcbQpa.so.5 + 0x5df61)
                                               #4  0x00007f41e5e77e8f n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0xcde8f)
                                               #5  0x00007f41e53333e9 start_thread (libpthread.so.0 + 0x93e9)
                                               #6  0x00007f41e5b02293 __clone (libc.so.6 + 0x100293)

Solved it. Just went to ./local/share and deleted the plasmashell and plasma folder. I do know that is going to become and issue probably down the line.

Maybe just delete the plasmashell folder. It will kill a few settings… in my case it was just the settings for the weather widget

1 Like

I use 3 monitors and therefore I had to keep QT 5.15.0 (due to 5.15.1 bugs) I have set all QT5 packages to be ignored during the upgrade.
Afterwards I have added “AllowKDEAppsToRememberWindowPositions=false” in my .config/kdeglobals
so far … everything works!

everything fine here, plasma on dell xps 9560 video-modesetting

 ██████████████████  ████████     computer@computer-pc
 ██████████████████  ████████     OS: Manjaro 20.1.1 Mikah
 ██████████████████  ████████     Kernel: x86_64 Linux 5.8.11-1-MANJARO
 ██████████████████  ████████     Uptime: 12m
 ████████            ████████     Packages: 904
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Shell: bash 5.0.18
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Resolution: 1920x1080
 ████████  ████████  ████████     DE: KDE 5.74.0 / Plasma 5.19.5
 ████████  ████████  ████████     WM: KWin
 ████████  ████████  ████████     GTK Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Icon Theme: Breeze KDE-Story-Dark
 ████████  ████████  ████████     Disk: 123G / 440G (30%)
 ████████  ████████  ████████     CPU: Intel Core i7-7700HQ @ 8x 3.8GHz [46.0°C]
 ████████  ████████  ████████     GPU: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (KBL GT2)
                                  RAM: 1807MiB / 15477MiB

Full Solution: rm -rf ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar

The event calendar widget doesn’t work with the new Plasma version.

@philm I think this should be added to the Known issues and solutions section because it makes Plasma unusable for everyone who has the Event Calendar Widget installed (which is quite popular)

Just found [SOLVED] Desktop has gone black after upgrade / Pacman & Package Upgrade Issues / Arch Linux Forums which refers to this issue


Unfortunately, any major Manjaro upgrade waves need to be handled with caution.

Removed two orphans:


Rebooted, and all is well.

I fixed a little issue with bbswitch but the rest sems work fine

KDE Plasma, kernel 5.4.67-1 smooth update, reboot fine. Running like a well-oiled ticker as per usual! :wink:

Cheers! :v:

1 Like

Same issue here, there also seems to be an issue with logout - it takes forever, some apps don’t close.

Terminal also flickers like crazy and is unusable, but my attempts at taking a screenshot failed - it somehow resets itself when you try capturing it.

Same problem.

Everything works in gnome…thanks manjaro team…there was a issue…terminal theme was changed…wanted to change to system and terminal became unstable …so i tweak the color to my system and terminal works fine now…

zsh is the new default shell in gnome

Got the following warning:

[2020-10-01T18:56:10+0200] [ALPM] warning: directory permissions differ on /root/
filesystem: 750  package: 755

Should I do:
sudo chmod 755 /root/
