Squeekboard as OSK on Gnome

Is there a way to set Squeekboard as the default on screen keyboard for Gnome?

I noticed that windows do not resize when using the default one. Thus, part of their content is covered.
I also tried the extension that improves the default onscreen keyboard, but it does not force resizing of windows.

Unfortunately Onboard does not work in Wayland :frowning:

Squeekboard seems to work in that sense.

I am trying to use the tablet functionality of my 2 in 1 laptop :wink:

Iโ€™m not sure. Squeekboard is designed for Phosh, not desktop GNOME. :man_shrugging:

That is true.

I was wondering if there was a workaround given it is a GTK app.

In a way also Onboard should be usable if using a X rather than Wayland sessionโ€ฆ