please post the output of the inxi command described below
Welcome to Manjaro!
none of us is a visionary. for this reason some fundamental information are needed to get an impression to the soft- and hardware related
problem you have. A clear explanation of the problem is helpful. this means that you describe the problem but do not guess.
this results very often that the problem is pointed to something that isn’t the relevant issue, the so known xy-problem (
some basic checks that you should care for in advance regardeless the problem:
Check your BIOS
- secure boot should be disabled
- the boot order must be set properly
more infos:
BIOS and UEFI - Manjaro - check your manufacturer for the latest Bios-Update avaiable and install it
the date and version of your installed bios can be found withinxi -M
Please read this:
[HowTo] Provide System Information
and press the three dots … below your post and press theto give us more information so we can see what’s really going on.
Now we know the symptom of the disease, but we need some more probing to know where the origin lies… -
inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --no-host --width
would be the minimum required information for us to be able to help you. (Personally Identifiable Information like serial numbers and MAC addresses will be filtered out by the above command)
Also, please copy-paste that output in-between 3 backticks ``` at the beginning and end of the code/text. (use the option “preformatted text”)
3.) Do you use a Dual-Boot or Multi-Boot System (Yes/No)? If so, which other Operating-Systems are installed ?
4.) Do you have a manual (printed or digital) of your Mainboard and additional Hardware, they are useful.