So many AUR packages fail at dependency check


This is usually cause by using sudo pamac <pkgname>.

pamac commandline will ask for permission when needed.

I’m not so sure about my case. I mean, in my case, the /var/tmp/pamac folder was owned by user ID 1000 and there’s no such user on my machine anymore. And I thought I had changed the ownership of all files already so I have no idea why this had happened. I’ll keep an eye on that folder from now on to see if its ownership changes again.

The user id 1000 is the user created at install time - you can of course add new user and remove the initially created user - but still you shouldn’t have any issues with the pamac folder as default permissions is world read-write. I cannot say if that permission stems from earlier issues with permissions on the pamac folders in /var/tmp.

You can always remove the folder /var/tmp/pamac as it will be recreated with the correct permissions.

The /var/tmp/pamac folder is only used for pamac’s database copies and is - on my system ugo+rwx - this is the default I believe.

 $ ls -l /var/tmp
total 28
drwxrwxrwx  4 fh   fh   4096  7 mar 14:16 pamac
drwxr-xr-x 11 fh   fh   4096  7 mar 14:16 pamac-build-fh

This makes that folder independent of which user is running pamac.

When you build a custom package the folder is /var/tmp/pamac-build-$USER which is u+rwx,go+rx which makes it browsable by any user but only owner can change files.

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