Snap prompting client on Manjaro

Hi, I prefer to use snaps rather than flatpaks because the prompting client really removes the disadvantages of sandboxing (I hate having to tinker with the app’s permissions when I just want it to access X folder).

On Manjaro though, the prompting client (which I installed as well as the security center app) doesn’t work, even if Canonical made a guide on how to install it.

Did someone manage to make it work ? Is it even possible ?

Thanks in advance.

Are these the guides you are referring to?:

Yes. Sorry, I should have linked them. I also followed this guide to install snap support in the first place.

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I’ve never used snap, so I won’t be able to provide much more help in this thread.

However, to help others here who will be able to provide better assistance, if you could post details of any error messages that occur when you try to run the snap apps, or provide a clearer description of what happens when you try to use those apps (“it doesn’t work” isn’t very descriptive), it would be much appreciated.

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When I read this (the Warning box on the Arch Wiki page on snaps)

  • If AppArmor is not enabled in your system then all snaps will run in devel mode which mean they will have the same unrestricted access to your system as apps installed from Arch Linux repositories.

Snap - ArchWiki

It seems to me that to avoid sandboxing, all you have to do is to disable/remove apparmor. :man_shrugging:

That is not a recommendation nor is it knowledge - I’ve never used snaps myself.
It’s just what it seems to say towards the sandboxing that you apparently want to avoid.

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Right. I can’t give any log as I can’t enable prompting client. It’s supposed to be activable in the security center, but the option is greyed out on Manjaro.

All I can say is that apparmor, security center, prompting client and snapd are all installed on my system, and that I followed the guides linked earlier.

Maybe logs can be found, but I wouldn’t know where to look for them.

Honestly this topic is mainly to check if other snap users have prompting client working or if it doesn’t for for anyone.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll try to see if it works !