Snap in my flatpak?

Hi !
I use topgrade to update my various packeges, Today I saw a… snap error while updating flatpak.
How can this be ?

── 17:57:40 - Flatpak System Packages ──────────────────────────────────────────
Looking for updates…

        ID                                  Branch          Op          Remote           Download
 1. [✓] one.ablaze.floorp.Locale            stable          u           flathub           1,5 Ko / 198,4 Ko
 2. [✓] org.gnome.Platform.Locale           46              u           flathub          17,9 Ko / 380,0 Mo
 3. [✓] org.gnome.Platform                  46              u           flathub           1,8 Mo / 347,5 Mo
 4. [✓] one.ablaze.floorp                   stable          u           flathub          93,4 Mo / 123,5 Mo
 5. [✗] com.slack.Slack                     stable          u           flathub           8,0 Ko / 128,0 Mo

Error: While downloading While fetching [6] Could not resolve hostname
Updates complete.
error: There were one or more errors


── 18:09:52 - Flatpak User Packages ────────────────────────────────────────────
Looking for updates…

Nothing to do.
Nothing unused to uninstall

── 18:09:52 - Flatpak System Packages ──────────────────────────────────────────
Looking for updates…

        ID                      Branch         Op         Remote          Download
 1. [/] com.slack.Slack         stable         u          flathub         46,4 Mo / 128,0 Mo

Updating… ████████████████████ 100%  2,3 Mo/s  00:00
Nothing unused to uninstall
➜  ~ cat ~/.config/topgrade.toml
# Désactiver la mise à jour automatique de Topgrade lui-même
disable = ["self_update"]

# Ne pas demander de réessayer les étapes échouées
no_retry = true

# Nettoyer les fichiers temporaires ou anciens
cleanup = true

# Limiter le nombre de dépôts git mis à jour simultanément
max_concurrency = 5

# Arguments à passer à Git lors de la mise à jour des dépôts
arguments = "--rebase --autostash"

# Arguments à passer à yay lors de la mise à jour des paquets
yay_arguments = "--needed --noconfirm"

# Mise à jour des gems Ruby
"Mise à jour gems" = "gem update"

# Activer les mises à jour de Homebrew Cask
greedy_cask = true

➜  ~ 

There has never been any snap on my install !

I’d be glad to understand !

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The slack flatpak is re-packaging the snap


Thank U !

The additional question being : is it logical that this happens ?

Slack can’t be build from source, so it have to repackage, the snap is more prominent on their website

AFAIK snap recipe are not public yet is likely that it is repackaging the .rpm


No. Slack needs to learn how to package a Flatpak properly. :facepalm:

I suggest using the slack-desktop AUR package as it uses the .deb as the source.

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