Slow download speed in general

I just installed manjaro and the internet is incredibly slow, I tried configuring wifi.conf and changing mirror, but nothing has changed drastically. The pacman downloading speed is under 200kb/s. In my country the internet is indeed slow but it is not supposed to be this slow. The speed is so different compared to the last distro i used.

The download speed is supposed to be 10 times higher. Could someone please help :slight_smile:

Have you sorted your mirrors?

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syu

I have, but the main problem is not the mirror server, i just installed a portable wifi adapter device and used it, it went 20 times faster. But I don’t want to use the wifi adapter forever because it was for my TV

Then it’s obviously something to do with the other Wifi adapter or its driver. More info would be helpful. See:

Please don’t post images - the are next to useless.

If you really need to post your connection speed - use speedtest-cli and post the textual output - not a screenshot of text - but the text.

Example speedtest
 $ speedtest-cli
Retrieving configuration...
Testing from Fibia (
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by Fibia P/S (Taastrup) [163.43 km]: 16.768 ms
Testing download speed.........................................
Download: 102.32 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed.........................................
Upload: 96.44 Mbit/s

That may happen if the device is is not using an optimal driver.

To deduce whether this is the case - please provide textual response from

inxi -Fa | curl -F 'file=@-'

