Signature is invalid


sudo pacman-key --list-keys 39F0EC1AE50B37E5F3196F09DAD3B211663CA268 02FD1C7A934E614545849F19A6234074498E9CEE
sudo pacman-key --list-keys 02FD1C7A934E614545849F19A6234074498E9CEE

Was it without error?

to remove a package answer any y or n - no matter
Mainly - you imported the whose two keys by installation attempt of those two packages.

yes without error

Do not publish:

sudo pacman-key --list-keys

see the [ full ] phrase 3 times?
2 on Bernhard Landauer
and one on Christian Hesse

I do not see any full only [ ultimate ] and [ unknown ]

My fault, please do this:

sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 39F0EC1AE50B37E5F3196F09DAD3B211663CA268
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 02FD1C7A934E614545849F19A6234074498E9CEE

and re-check for [ full ] sub-string

Perfect now I see 1x[ultimate] and 3x[ full ]

Stage 3

Installation of packages:

sudo pacman -Sy manjaro-keyring archlinux-keyring

With success?

yes with success

Good. We got fresh keyring packages (with keys inside).

Stage 4

Let’s clear all our temp stuff we made - removing temp local keyring we created before:

sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg   

initialize new local keyring:

sudo pacman-key --init 

Show output of

~/Desktop ❯ sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l
❯ sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l

Install keys from Arch linux and Manjaro keyring packages we got earlier:

sudo pacman-key --populate

Show the

sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l
❯ sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l

Perfect. You have all main keys. Let;s update it from the Internet key servers:

Now request updates from a keyserver for all keys that already exist on the local keyring. This is useful for updating a key with the latest signatures, user IDs, etc.:

sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys 

This will took 7-10 minutes. You will see runtime error (it is normal) while some servers may not respond to key updates procedure.

After it was done: Let’s check count of lines:

sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l

You should see a bit more lines than was (> 1041)
How many you have?

1067 lines


This was the pure and secure way to get all public keys (and automatically (by packages algorithms) setup their trust level/locally sign them).

Now they are ready to use.

Now switch to the initial issue of the topic:

pamac update

Do you see signature or any other errors?
Were the cantarell-fonts and pango updated now?
Any other issues?

Everything works fine now, pamac update had no errors, and pamac reinstall cantarell-fonts pango completed successfully.

2 maintenance things remaining:

a) to rebuid all your AUR packages (you got updates, now time AUR packages to be re-builded against those new packages you got (if AUR packages you installed actually use them as dependencies))

 pamac build $(pamac list -qm)   

b) to switch the servers of updates to the ones closer to you (just to speed up download speed)

sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch stable --proto https --country X,Y,Z

X,Y,Z - are countries you prefer separated with comma: Sweden,Finland,Norway
to show list of avail. countries:

pacman-mirrors -l

2.a doesn’t work:

❯  pamac build $(pamac list -qm)   
Error: target not found: google-play-music-desktop-player-bin
Error: target not found: libopenaptx
Error: target not found: mhwd-nvidia-340xx
Error: target not found: linux-latest-virtualbox-host-modules
Error: target not found: breath2-wallpaper
Error: target not found: popcorntime-ru-bin
Error: target not found: linux-latest
Error: target not found: linux-latest-headers

For now do (b) please (country switch or leave Germany if you want)