Signature is invalid

Stage 3

Installation of packages:

sudo pacman -Sy manjaro-keyring archlinux-keyring

With success?

yes with success

Good. We got fresh keyring packages (with keys inside).

Stage 4

Let’s clear all our temp stuff we made - removing temp local keyring we created before:

sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg   

initialize new local keyring:

sudo pacman-key --init 

Show output of

~/Desktop ❯ sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l
❯ sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l

Install keys from Arch linux and Manjaro keyring packages we got earlier:

sudo pacman-key --populate

Show the

sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l
❯ sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l

Perfect. You have all main keys. Let;s update it from the Internet key servers:

Now request updates from a keyserver for all keys that already exist on the local keyring. This is useful for updating a key with the latest signatures, user IDs, etc.:

sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys 

This will took 7-10 minutes. You will see runtime error (it is normal) while some servers may not respond to key updates procedure.

After it was done: Let’s check count of lines:

sudo pacman-key --list-keys | wc -l

You should see a bit more lines than was (> 1041)
How many you have?

1067 lines


This was the pure and secure way to get all public keys (and automatically (by packages algorithms) setup their trust level/locally sign them).

Now they are ready to use.

Now switch to the initial issue of the topic:

pamac update

Do you see signature or any other errors?
Were the cantarell-fonts and pango updated now?
Any other issues?

Everything works fine now, pamac update had no errors, and pamac reinstall cantarell-fonts pango completed successfully.

2 maintenance things remaining:

a) to rebuid all your AUR packages (you got updates, now time AUR packages to be re-builded against those new packages you got (if AUR packages you installed actually use them as dependencies))

 pamac build $(pamac list -qm)   

b) to switch the servers of updates to the ones closer to you (just to speed up download speed)

sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch stable --proto https --country X,Y,Z

X,Y,Z - are countries you prefer separated with comma: Sweden,Finland,Norway
to show list of avail. countries:

pacman-mirrors -l

2.a doesn’t work:

❯  pamac build $(pamac list -qm)   
Error: target not found: google-play-music-desktop-player-bin
Error: target not found: libopenaptx
Error: target not found: mhwd-nvidia-340xx
Error: target not found: linux-latest-virtualbox-host-modules
Error: target not found: breath2-wallpaper
Error: target not found: popcorntime-ru-bin
Error: target not found: linux-latest
Error: target not found: linux-latest-headers

For now do (b) please (country switch or leave Germany if you want)

ok mirror list updated for stable.

I found unexpected that (a) does not work. Can’t understand why. Please open a separate thread for it in AUR sub-section (AUR - Manjaro Linux Forum)

Perhaps, we did all for the thread: only need to re-build AUR packages to make them use new packages you just got recently.

I think we done in this topic. Do you think the same?

Yes it’s solved. New issue here

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@alven what if I want to switch from stable to testing branch? Is it advisable or eventually signatures break and I am better off with stable?

If to switch between branches of updates (stable, testing, unstable), then it will not break local keyring you already had before.

Expected behavior of stabletesting or testingunstable switch is only that you will get a more fresh packages versions and therefore less known / less tested in Manjaro OS, so possibly less stable. It is not recommended to switch for not experienced users. Please search and read several articles about branch switching to understand it and be warned more detailed.
If you feel a power that you can try to handle possible issues there, you can try to switch.

After you switched branches, it is absolutely essential to run sudo pacman -Syyu to force to refresh local package databases (core, extra, community, multilib) according to their state in new branch you switched to.

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Thanks a lot. Very thorough information.

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