Serious lag only when moving windows

So my problem is when ever i move the windows when they are untiled they always lag or freeze up my screen. I have manjaro kde plasma installed and im using on oracle box vm software. i also have icewm. If i scroll or type in these windows it is fine though. Even when watching videos . Would like to get this solved so i can start using manjaro mainly. Thank you!

EDIT 9/17/24 Solution: Went into the display settings in oracle vm for the vm. Changed the grpahics contoller to VBoxSVGA. For some reason the right one lagged everything out but the one that came up as invalid worked? At least i fixed it.

This is probably something you need to contact Oracle about, rather than Manjaro. Most likely it’s (VirtualBox) configuration related. There are plenty of online guides and walk-throughs that might help, if you search for them.

Good luck.


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