Selecting optimal mirror


i’ve loaded up a list of mirrors in the Konsole using the command
sudo-pacman-mirrors --fasttrack.

does it optimize the mirrors automatically or am i to do something else after with the list.


pamac-mirrors automatically sorts mirrors.

Try this:
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10

That’s literally what he has done already, just that he didn’t randomly limited the number of mirrors.

//EDIT: something worth mentioning but that’s also literally at the very top of the manual page I linked, what you need to do after typing the pacman-mirrors command of your choice, is to force refreshing the database with sudo pacman -Syyu and then you’re good to go.

Yes, then you typed ‘pamac-mirrors’ automatically sorts mirrors, and pamac-mirrors fails.

Yes I had a typo in the program name, but no harm as I linked to the actual manual and didn’t give any command to type there (even if, himself, made a typo in his command but pretty sure he typed the command properly initially), as he already said he typed the command and wanted to know if there was something else to do.