Segmentation fault on android emulator (because of latest qemu update?)

Hey! My android emulator suddenly stopped working, and I think maybe it has to do with the latest quemu update recently. Hopefully someone can help me, maybe downgrade? On windows right now, and the battery is draining so fast and the fan is going crazy.

As the saying goes:
logs - or it didnā€™t happen :wink:
Also: without them, we could only join you in speculating about the reason.

1 Like

Yeah! Itā€™s probably better with :smiley:

INFO    | Storing crashdata in: /tmp/android-rolf/emu-crash-34.1.18.db, detection is enabled for process: 16052
INFO    | Android emulator version (build_id 11481568) (CL:N/A)
DEBUG   | Current emulator version 34.1.18 is the same as the required version 34.1.18.
INFO    | Found AVD name 'Pixel_7_Pro_API_33'
INFO    | Found AVD target architecture: x86_64
INFO    | argv[0]: 'emulator'; program directory: '/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/emulator'
INFO    | Found systemPath /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64/
INFO    | Storing crashdata in: /tmp/android-rolf/emu-crash-34.1.18.db, detection is enabled for process: 16052
INFO    | Duplicate loglines will be removed, if you wish to see each individual line launch with the -log-nofilter flag.
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -skin pixel_7_pro
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -skindir /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/skins/
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -kernel /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//kernel-ranchu
DEBUG   | Target arch = 'x86_64'
DEBUG   | Auto-detect: Kernel image requires new device naming scheme.
DEBUG   | Auto-detect: Kernel does not support YAFFS2 partitions.
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -ramdisk /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//ramdisk.img
DEBUG   | Using initial system image: /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//system.img
DEBUG   | Using initial vendor image: /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//vendor.img
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -data /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/userdata-qemu.img
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -initdata /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/userdata.img
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -cache /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/cache.img
DEBUG   | autoconfig: -sdcard /home/rolf/.android/avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/sdcard.img
DEBUG   | foldable or large screen devices with api >=33 is set to have minimum ram 3G
INFO    | Increasing RAM size to 3072MB
DEBUG   | VM heap size 384MB is below hardware specified minimum of 576MB,setting it to that value
DEBUG   | System image is read only
DEBUG   | Found 1 DNS servers:
DEBUG   | Starting hostapd main loop.
DEBUG   | trying to load skin file '/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/skins//pixel_7_pro/layout'
DEBUG   | File System is ext4, do not disable QuickbootFileBacked feature
DEBUG   | CPU Acceleration: working
DEBUG   | CPU Acceleration status: KVM (version 12) is installed and usable.
DEBUG   | handleCpuAcceleration: feature check for hvf
DEBUG   | Bluetooth requested by guest
DEBUG   | started modem simulator host server at port: 39631
INFO    | Info: Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway. ((null):0, (null))
INFO    | Crash reports will be automatically uploaded to:
library_mode host gpu mode host
DEBUG   | GPU emulation enabled using 'host' mode
DEBUG   | Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support
Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation supportandroid_startOpenglesRenderer: gpu infoI0302 00:23:32.323183   16052 HealthMonitor.cpp:279] HealthMonitor disabled.
DEBUG   | create display 0
DEBUG   | setDisplayPose 0 x 0 y 0 w 1440 h 3120 dpi 0
createGlobalVkEmulation:964 Selecting Vulkan device: Intel(R) Graphics (ADL GT2)
I0302 00:23:41.177059   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1226] Initializing VkEmulation features:
I0302 00:23:41.177106   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1227]     glInteropSupported: true
I0302 00:23:41.177110   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1228]     useDeferredCommands: true
I0302 00:23:41.177111   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1230]     createResourceWithRequirements: true
I0302 00:23:41.177113   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1231]     useVulkanComposition: false
I0302 00:23:41.177114   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1232]     useVulkanNativeSwapchain: false
I0302 00:23:41.177116   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1233]     enable guestRenderDoc: false
I0302 00:23:41.177117   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1234]     ASTC LDR emulation mode: 2
I0302 00:23:41.177128   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1235]     enable ETC2 emulation: true
I0302 00:23:41.177130   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1236]     enable Ycbcr emulation: false
I0302 00:23:41.177131   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1237]     guestUsesAngle: false
I0302 00:23:41.177132   16052 VkCommonOperations.cpp:1238]     useDedicatedAllocations: true
I0302 00:23:41.177676   16052 FrameBuffer.cpp:486] Graphics Adapter Vendor Google (Intel)
I0302 00:23:41.177683   16052 FrameBuffer.cpp:487] Graphics Adapter Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Mesa Intel(R) Graphics (ADL GT2))
I0302 00:23:41.177685   16052 FrameBuffer.cpp:488] Graphics API Version OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-manjaro1.1)
I0302 00:23:41.177686   16052 FrameBuffer.cpp:489] Graphics API Extensions GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_EXT_color_buffer_float GL_EXT_color_buffer_half_float GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 
I0302 00:23:41.177689   16052 FrameBuffer.cpp:490] Graphics Device Extensions N/A
INFO    | Setting vsync to 60 hz
DEBUG   | OpenGL Vendor=[Google (Intel)]
OpenGL Vendor=[Google (Intel)]DEBUG   | OpenGL Renderer=[Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Mesa Intel(R) Graphics (ADL GT2))]
OpenGL Renderer=[Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Mesa Intel(R) Graphics (ADL GT2))]DEBUG   | OpenGL Version=[OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-manjaro1.1)]
OpenGL Version=[OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-manjaro1.1)]INFO    | Sending adb public key [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 rolf@unknown]
DEBUG   | Found 1 DNS servers:
INFO    | Content of hardware configuration file:
INFO    | 	hw.cpu.arch = x86_64
INFO    | 	hw.cpu.ncore = 4
INFO    | 	hw.ramSize = 3072
INFO    | 	hw.screen = multi-touch
INFO    | 	hw.mainKeys = false
INFO    | 	hw.trackBall = false
INFO    | 	hw.keyboard = true
INFO    | 	hw.keyboard.lid = false
INFO    | 	hw.keyboard.charmap = qwerty2
INFO    | 	hw.dPad = false
INFO    | 	hw.rotaryInput = false
INFO    | 	hw.gsmModem = true
INFO    | 	hw.gps = true
INFO    | 	hw.battery = true
INFO    | 	hw.accelerometer = true
INFO    | 	hw.accelerometer_uncalibrated = true
INFO    | 	hw.gyroscope = true
INFO    | 	hw.audioInput = true
INFO    | 	hw.audioOutput = true
INFO    | 	hw.sdCard = true
INFO    | 	hw.sdCard.path = /home/rolf/.android/avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/sdcard.img
INFO    | 	disk.cachePartition = true
INFO    | 	disk.cachePartition.path = /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/cache.img
INFO    | 	disk.cachePartition.size = 66m
INFO    | 	test.quitAfterBootTimeOut = -1
INFO    | 	test.delayAdbTillBootComplete = 0
INFO    | 	test.monitorAdb = 0
INFO    | 	hw.lcd.width = 1440
INFO    | 	hw.lcd.height = 3120
INFO    | 	hw.lcd.depth = 16
INFO    | 	hw.lcd.circular = false
INFO    | 	hw.lcd.density = 560
INFO    | 	hw.lcd.backlight = true
INFO    | 	hw.lcd.vsync = 60
INFO    | 	hw.gltransport = pipe
INFO    | 	hw.gltransport.asg.writeBufferSize = 1048576
INFO    | 	hw.gltransport.asg.writeStepSize = 4096
INFO    | 	hw.gltransport.asg.dataRingSize = 32768
INFO    | 	hw.gltransport.drawFlushInterval = 800
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.1.xOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.1.yOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.1.width = 0
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.1.height = 0
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.2.xOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.2.yOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.2.width = 0
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.2.height = 0
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.3.xOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.3.yOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.3.width = 0
INFO    | 	hw.displayRegion.0.3.height = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display1.width = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display1.height = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display1.density = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display1.xOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.display1.yOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.display1.flag = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display2.width = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display2.height = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display2.density = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display2.xOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.display2.yOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.display2.flag = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display3.width = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display3.height = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display3.density = 0
INFO    | 	hw.display3.xOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.display3.yOffset = -1
INFO    | 	hw.display3.flag = 0
INFO    | 	hw.multi_display_window = false
INFO    | 	hw.hotplug_multi_display = false
INFO    | 	hw.gpu.enabled = true
INFO    | 	hw.gpu.mode = host
INFO    | 	hw.initialOrientation = Portrait
INFO    | = virtualscene
INFO    | = emulated
INFO    | 	vm.heapSize = 576
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.light = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.pressure = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.humidity = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.proximity = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.magnetic_field = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.magnetic_field_uncalibrated = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.gyroscope_uncalibrated = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.orientation = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.temperature = true
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.rgbclight = false
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.hinge = false
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.hinge.count = 0
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.hinge.type = 0
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.hinge.sub_type = 0
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.hinge.resizable.config = 1
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.hinge.fold_to_displayRegion.0.1_at_posture = 1
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.roll = false
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.roll.count = 0
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.roll.resize_to_displayRegion.0.1_at_posture = 6
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.roll.resize_to_displayRegion.0.2_at_posture = 6
INFO    | 	hw.sensor.roll.resize_to_displayRegion.0.3_at_posture = 6
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.heart_rate = false
INFO    | 	hw.sensors.wrist_tilt = false
INFO    | 	hw.useext4 = true
INFO    | 	hw.arc = false
INFO    | 	hw.arc.autologin = false
INFO    | = pixel_7_pro
INFO    | 	kernel.path = /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//kernel-ranchu
INFO    | 	kernel.newDeviceNaming = yes
INFO    | 	kernel.supportsYaffs2 = no
INFO    | 	disk.ramdisk.path = /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//ramdisk.img
INFO    | 	disk.systemPartition.initPath = /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//system.img
INFO    | 	disk.systemPartition.size = 2786m
INFO    | 	disk.vendorPartition.initPath = /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//vendor.img
INFO    | 	disk.vendorPartition.size = 800m
INFO    | 	disk.dataPartition.path = /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/userdata-qemu.img
INFO    | 	disk.dataPartition.size = 6g
INFO    | 	disk.encryptionKeyPartition.path = /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/encryptionkey.img
INFO    | 	PlayStore.enabled = true
INFO    | = Pixel_7_Pro_API_33
INFO    | = Pixel_7_Pro_API_33
INFO    | 	fastboot.forceColdBoot = false
INFO    | 	userdata.useQcow2 = true
INFO    | 	firstboot.bootFromDownloadableSnapshot = true
INFO    | 	firstboot.bootFromLocalSnapshot = true
INFO    | 	firstboot.saveToLocalSnapshot = true
INFO    | 	android.sdk.root = /home/rolf/Android/Sdk
INFO    | 	android.avd.home = /home/rolf/.android/avd
INFO    | .
INFO    | QEMU options list:
INFO    | 	 argv[00] = "/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/emulator/qemu/linux-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64"
INFO    | 	 argv[01] = "-dns-server"
INFO    | 	 argv[02] = ""
INFO    | 	 argv[03] = "-mem-path"
INFO    | 	 argv[04] = "/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/snapshots/default_boot/ram.img"
INFO    | 	 argv[05] = "-mem-file-shared"
INFO    | 	 argv[06] = "-serial"
INFO    | 	 argv[07] = "null"
INFO    | 	 argv[08] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[09] = "goldfish_pstore,addr=0xff018000,size=0x10000,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/data/misc/pstore/pstore.bin"
INFO    | 	 argv[10] = "-cpu"
INFO    | 	 argv[11] = "android64-xts"
INFO    | 	 argv[12] = "-enable-kvm"
INFO    | 	 argv[13] = "-smp"
INFO    | 	 argv[14] = "cores=4"
INFO    | 	 argv[15] = "-m"
INFO    | 	 argv[16] = "3072"
INFO    | 	 argv[17] = "-lcd-density"
INFO    | 	 argv[18] = "560"
INFO    | 	 argv[19] = "-object"
INFO    | 	 argv[20] = "iothread,id=disk-iothread"
INFO    | 	 argv[21] = "-nodefaults"
INFO    | 	 argv[22] = "-kernel"
INFO    | 	 argv[23] = "/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//kernel-ranchu"
INFO    | 	 argv[24] = "-initrd"
INFO    | 	 argv[25] = "/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/initrd"
INFO    | 	 argv[26] = "-drive"
INFO    | 	 argv[27] = "if=none,index=0,id=system,if=none,file=/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//system.img,read-only"
INFO    | 	 argv[28] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[29] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=system,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
INFO    | 	 argv[30] = "-drive"
INFO    | 	 argv[31] = "if=none,index=1,id=cache,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/cache.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576"
INFO    | 	 argv[32] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[33] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=cache,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
INFO    | 	 argv[34] = "-drive"
INFO    | 	 argv[35] = "if=none,index=2,id=userdata,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/userdata-qemu.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576"
INFO    | 	 argv[36] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[37] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=userdata,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
INFO    | 	 argv[38] = "-drive"
INFO    | 	 argv[39] = "if=none,index=3,id=encrypt,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/encryptionkey.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576"
INFO    | 	 argv[40] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[41] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=encrypt,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
INFO    | 	 argv[42] = "-drive"
INFO    | 	 argv[43] = "if=none,index=4,id=vendor,if=none,file=/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//vendor.img,read-only"
INFO    | 	 argv[44] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[45] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=vendor,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
INFO    | 	 argv[46] = "-drive"
INFO    | 	 argv[47] = "if=none,index=5,id=sdcard,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/sdcard.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576"
INFO    | 	 argv[48] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[49] = "virtio-blk-pci,drive=sdcard,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify"
INFO    | 	 argv[50] = "-netdev"
INFO    | 	 argv[51] = "user,id=mynet"
INFO    | 	 argv[52] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[53] = "virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet"
INFO    | 	 argv[54] = "-chardev"
INFO    | 	 argv[55] = "null,id=forhvc0"
INFO    | 	 argv[56] = "-chardev"
INFO    | 	 argv[57] = "null,id=forhvc1"
INFO    | 	 argv[58] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[59] = "virtio-serial-pci,ioeventfd=off"
INFO    | 	 argv[60] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[61] = "virtconsole,chardev=forhvc0"
INFO    | 	 argv[62] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[63] = "virtconsole,chardev=forhvc1"
INFO    | 	 argv[64] = "-chardev"
INFO    | 	 argv[65] = "netsim,id=bluetooth"
INFO    | 	 argv[66] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[67] = "virtserialport,chardev=bluetooth,name=bluetooth"
INFO    | 	 argv[68] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[69] = "virtio-serial,ioeventfd=off"
INFO    | 	 argv[70] = "-chardev"
INFO    | 	 argv[71] = "socket,port=33595,host=::1,nowait,nodelay,reconnect=10,ipv6,id=modem"
INFO    | 	 argv[72] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[73] = "virtserialport,chardev=modem,name=modem"
INFO    | 	 argv[74] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[75] = "virtio-rng-pci"
INFO    | 	 argv[76] = "-show-cursor"
INFO    | 	 argv[77] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[78] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_1"
INFO    | 	 argv[79] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[80] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_2"
INFO    | 	 argv[81] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[82] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_3"
INFO    | 	 argv[83] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[84] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_4"
INFO    | 	 argv[85] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[86] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_5"
INFO    | 	 argv[87] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[88] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_6"
INFO    | 	 argv[89] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[90] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_7"
INFO    | 	 argv[91] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[92] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_8"
INFO    | 	 argv[93] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[94] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_9"
INFO    | 	 argv[95] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[96] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_10"
INFO    | 	 argv[97] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[98] = "virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_11"
INFO    | 	 argv[99] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[100] = "virtio-keyboard-pci"
INFO    | 	 argv[101] = "-netdev"
INFO    | 	 argv[102] = "user,id=virtio-wifi,dhcpstart="
INFO    | 	 argv[103] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[104] = "virtio-wifi-pci,netdev=virtio-wifi"
INFO    | 	 argv[105] = "-device"
INFO    | 	 argv[106] = "virtio-vsock-pci,guest-cid=77"
INFO    | 	 argv[107] = "-L"
INFO    | 	 argv[108] = "/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib/pc-bios"
INFO    | 	 argv[109] = "-soundhw"
INFO    | 	 argv[110] = "virtio-snd-pci"
INFO    | 	 argv[111] = "-vga"
INFO    | 	 argv[112] = "none"
INFO    | 	 argv[113] = "-append"
INFO    | 	 argv[114] = "no_timer_check 8250.nr_uarts=1 clocksource=pit console=0 cma=326M@0-4G loop.max_part=7 ramoops.mem_address=0xff018000 ramoops.mem_size=0x10000 memmap=0x10000$0xff018000 printk.devkmsg=on bootconfig"
INFO    | 	 argv[115] = "-android-hw"
INFO    | 	 argv[116] = "/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/hardware-qemu.ini"
INFO    | Concatenated QEMU options: /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/emulator/qemu/linux-x86_64/qemu-system-x86_64 -dns-server -mem-path /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/snapshots/default_boot/ram.img -mem-file-shared -serial null -device goldfish_pstore,addr=0xff018000,size=0x10000,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/data/misc/pstore/pstore.bin -cpu android64-xts -enable-kvm -smp cores=4 -m 3072 -lcd-density 560 -object iothread,id=disk-iothread -nodefaults -kernel /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//kernel-ranchu -initrd /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/initrd -drive if=none,index=0,id=system,if=none,file=/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//system.img,read-only -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=system,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,index=1,id=cache,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/cache.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=cache,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,index=2,id=userdata,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/userdata-qemu.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=userdata,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,index=3,id=encrypt,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/encryptionkey.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=encrypt,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,index=4,id=vendor,if=none,file=/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/x86_64//vendor.img,read-only -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=vendor,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -drive if=none,index=5,id=sdcard,if=none,file=/home/rolf/.android/avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/sdcard.img.qcow2,overlap-check=none,cache=unsafe,l2-cache-size=1048576 -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=sdcard,iothread=disk-iothread,modern-pio-notify -netdev user,id=mynet -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=mynet -chardev null,id=forhvc0 -chardev null,id=forhvc1 -device virtio-serial-pci,ioeventfd=off -device virtconsole,chardev=forhvc0 -device virtconsole,chardev=forhvc1 -chardev netsim,id=bluetooth -device virtserialport,chardev=bluetooth,name=bluetooth -device virtio-serial,ioeventfd=off -chardev socket,port=33595,host=::1,nowait,nodelay,reconnect=10,ipv6,id=modem -device virtserialport,chardev=modem,name=modem -device virtio-rng-pci -show-cursor -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_1 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_2 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_3 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_4 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_5 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_6 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_7 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_8 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_9 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_10 -device virtio_input_multi_touch_pci_11 -device virtio-keyboard-pci -netdev user,id=virtio-wifi,dhcpstart= -device virtio-wifi-pci,netdev=virtio-wifi -device virtio-vsock-pci,guest-cid=77 -L /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib/pc-bios -soundhw virtio-snd-pci -vga none -append 'no_timer_check 8250.nr_uarts=1 clocksource=pit console=0 cma=326M@0-4G loop.max_part=7 ramoops.mem_address=0xff018000 ramoops.mem_size=0x10000 memmap=0x10000$0xff018000 printk.devkmsg=on bootconfig' -android-hw /home/rolf/.android/avd/../avd/Pixel_7_Pro_API_33.avd/hardware-qemu.ini
DEBUG   | Android qemu version (build_id 11481568) (CL:N/A)
DEBUG   | Starting QEMU main loop
DEBUG   | registered 'boot-properties' qemud service
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: 'ro.opengles.version' = '196608'
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.fake_camera' = 'front'
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: '' = '1'
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: 'dalvik.vm.heapsize' = '576m'
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: 'qemu.hw.mainkeys' = '0'
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: 'qemu.sf.lcd_density' = '560'
DEBUG   | control console listening on port 5554, ADB on port 5555
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-dpad: false
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-trackball: false
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-camera: true
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-keyboard: false
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-lidswitch: false
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-tabletmode: false
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-touch: false
DEBUG   | goldfish_events.have-multitouch: false
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: 'net.wifi_mac_prefix' = '5554'
DEBUG   | Adding boot property: 'qemu.timezone' = 'Europe/Berlin'
DEBUG   | android_hw_fingerprint_init: fingerprint qemud listen service initialized
DEBUG   | ( Will not log any `WebRTC.Audio.Apm.AppliedInputVolume.*` histogram stats.
DEBUG   | ( Will not log any `WebRTC.Audio.Apm.RecommendedInputVolume.*` histogram stats.
DEBUG   | ( Injected APM submodules:
Echo control factory: 0
Echo detector: 0
Capture analyzer: 0
Capture post processor: 0
Render pre processor: 0
DEBUG   | ( AudioProcessing: AudioProcessing::Config{ pipeline: { maximum_internal_processing_rate: 48000, multi_channel_render: 0, multi_channel_capture: 0 }, pre_amplifier: { enabled: 0, fixed_gain_factor: 1 },capture_level_adjustment: { enabled: 0, pre_gain_factor: 1, post_gain_factor: 1, analog_mic_gain_emulation: { enabled: 0, initial_level: 255 }}, high_pass_filter: { enabled: 0 }, echo_canceller: { enabled: 0, mobile_mode: 0, enforce_high_pass_filtering: 1 }, noise_suppression: { enabled: 0, level: Moderate }, transient_suppression: { enabled: 0 }, gain_controller1: { enabled: 0, mode: AdaptiveAnalog, target_level_dbfs: 3, compression_gain_db: 9, enable_limiter: 1, analog_gain_controller { enabled: 1, startup_min_volume: 0, clipped_level_min: 70, enable_digital_adaptive: 1, clipped_level_step: 15, clipped_ratio_threshold: 0.1, clipped_wait_frames: 300, clipping_predictor:  { enabled: 0, mode: 0, window_length: 5, reference_window_length: 5, reference_window_delay: 5, clipping_threshold: -1, crest_factor_margin: 3, use_predicted_step: 1 }}}, gain_controller2: { enabled: 0, fixed_digital: { gain_db: 0 }, adaptive_digital: { enabled: 0, headroom_db: 6, max_gain_db: 30, initial_gain_db: 8, max_gain_change_db_per_second: 3, max_output_noise_level_dbfs: -50 }, input_volume_control : { enabled 0}}
DEBUG   | ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::WebRtcVoiceEngine
DEBUG   | ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::Init
DEBUG   | ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::ApplyOptions: AudioOptions {aec: 1, agc: 1, ns: 1, hf: 1, swap: 0, audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets: 200, audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate: 0, audio_jitter_buffer_min_delay_ms: 0, }
DEBUG   | ( AudioProcessing::ApplyConfig: AudioProcessing::Config{ pipeline: { maximum_internal_processing_rate: 48000, multi_channel_render: 0, multi_channel_capture: 0 }, pre_amplifier: { enabled: 0, fixed_gain_factor: 1 },capture_level_adjustment: { enabled: 0, pre_gain_factor: 1, post_gain_factor: 1, analog_mic_gain_emulation: { enabled: 0, initial_level: 255 }}, high_pass_filter: { enabled: 1 }, echo_canceller: { enabled: 1, mobile_mode: 0, enforce_high_pass_filtering: 1 }, noise_suppression: { enabled: 1, level: High }, transient_suppression: { enabled: 0 }, gain_controller1: { enabled: 1, mode: AdaptiveAnalog, target_level_dbfs: 3, compression_gain_db: 9, enable_limiter: 1, analog_gain_controller { enabled: 1, startup_min_volume: 0, clipped_level_min: 70, enable_digital_adaptive: 1, clipped_level_step: 15, clipped_ratio_threshold: 0.1, clipped_wait_frames: 300, clipping_predictor:  { enabled: 0, mode: 0, window_length: 5, reference_window_length: 5, reference_window_delay: 5, clipping_threshold: -1, crest_factor_margin: 3, use_predicted_step: 1 }}}, gain_controller2: { enabled: 0, fixed_digital: { gain_db: 0 }, adaptive_digital: { enabled: 0, headroom_db: 6, max_gain_db: 30, initial_gain_db: 8, max_gain_change_db_per_second: 3, max_output_noise_level_dbfs: -50 }, input_volume_control : { enabled 0}}
DEBUG   | ( AEC3: Pre echo configuration:  threshold = 0.5, mode =  0.
DEBUG   | ( AEC3 Transparent Mode: Legacy
DEBUG   | ( AEC3 created with sample rate: 16000 Hz, num render channels: 1, num capture channels: 1
DEBUG   | ( [AGC2] Clipping prediction disabled.
DEBUG   | ( [agc] analog controller enabled: yes
DEBUG   | ( [agc] Min mic level: 12 (overridden: no)
DEBUG   | ( Will not log any `WebRTC.Audio.Apm.AppliedInputVolume.*` histogram stats.
DEBUG   | ( Will not log any `WebRTC.Audio.Apm.RecommendedInputVolume.*` histogram stats.
DEBUG   | ( Injected APM submodules:
Echo control factory: 0
Echo detector: 0
Capture analyzer: 0
Capture post processor: 0
Render pre processor: 0
DEBUG   | ( AudioProcessing: AudioProcessing::Config{ pipeline: { maximum_internal_processing_rate: 48000, multi_channel_render: 0, multi_channel_capture: 0 }, pre_amplifier: { enabled: 0, fixed_gain_factor: 1 },capture_level_adjustment: { enabled: 0, pre_gain_factor: 1, post_gain_factor: 1, analog_mic_gain_emulation: { enabled: 0, initial_level: 255 }}, high_pass_filter: { enabled: 0 }, echo_canceller: { enabled: 0, mobile_mode: 0, enforce_high_pass_filtering: 1 }, noise_suppression: { enabled: 0, level: Moderate }, transient_suppression: { enabled: 0 }, gain_controller1: { enabled: 0, mode: AdaptiveAnalog, target_level_dbfs: 3, compression_gain_db: 9, enable_limiter: 1, analog_gain_controller { enabled: 1, startup_min_volume: 0, clipped_level_min: 70, enable_digital_adaptive: 1, clipped_level_step: 15, clipped_ratio_threshold: 0.1, clipped_wait_frames: 300, clipping_predictor:  { enabled: 0, mode: 0, window_length: 5, reference_window_length: 5, reference_window_delay: 5, clipping_threshold: -1, crest_factor_margin: 3, use_predicted_step: 1 }}}, gain_controller2: { enabled: 0, fixed_digital: { gain_db: 0 }, adaptive_digital: { enabled: 0, headroom_db: 6, max_gain_db: 30, initial_gain_db: 8, max_gain_change_db_per_second: 3, max_output_noise_level_dbfs: -50 }, input_volume_control : { enabled 0}}
DEBUG   | ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::WebRtcVoiceEngine
DEBUG   | ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::Init
DEBUG   | ( WebRtcVoiceEngine::ApplyOptions: AudioOptions {aec: 1, agc: 1, ns: 1, hf: 1, swap: 0, audio_jitter_buffer_max_packets: 200, audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate: 0, audio_jitter_buffer_min_delay_ms: 0, }
DEBUG   | ( AudioProcessing::ApplyConfig: AudioProcessing::Config{ pipeline: { maximum_internal_processing_rate: 48000, multi_channel_render: 0, multi_channel_capture: 0 }, pre_amplifier: { enabled: 0, fixed_gain_factor: 1 },capture_level_adjustment: { enabled: 0, pre_gain_factor: 1, post_gain_factor: 1, analog_mic_gain_emulation: { enabled: 0, initial_level: 255 }}, high_pass_filter: { enabled: 1 }, echo_canceller: { enabled: 1, mobile_mode: 0, enforce_high_pass_filtering: 1 }, noise_suppression: { enabled: 1, level: High }, transient_suppression: { enabled: 0 }, gain_controller1: { enabled: 1, mode: AdaptiveAnalog, target_level_dbfs: 3, compression_gain_db: 9, enable_limiter: 1, analog_gain_controller { enabled: 1, startup_min_volume: 0, clipped_level_min: 70, enable_digital_adaptive: 1, clipped_level_step: 15, clipped_ratio_threshold: 0.1, clipped_wait_frames: 300, clipping_predictor:  { enabled: 0, mode: 0, window_length: 5, reference_window_length: 5, reference_window_delay: 5, clipping_threshold: -1, crest_factor_margin: 3, use_predicted_step: 1 }}}, gain_controller2: { enabled: 0, fixed_digital: { gain_db: 0 }, adaptive_digital: { enabled: 0, headroom_db: 6, max_gain_db: 30, initial_gain_db: 8, max_gain_change_db_per_second: 3, max_output_noise_level_dbfs: -50 }, input_volume_control : { enabled 0}}
DEBUG   | ( AEC3: Pre echo configuration:  threshold = 0.5, mode =  0.
DEBUG   | ( AEC3 Transparent Mode: Legacy
DEBUG   | ( AEC3 created with sample rate: 16000 Hz, num render channels: 1, num capture channels: 1
DEBUG   | ( [AGC2] Clipping prediction disabled.
DEBUG   | ( [agc] analog controller enabled: yes
DEBUG   | ( [agc] Min mic level: 12 (overridden: no)
INFO    | Using security allow list from: /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib/emulator_access.json
INFO    | The active JSON Web Key Sets can be found here: /run/user/1000/avd/running/16052/jwks/ebba8e30-3501-43a0-b396-564db712afe7/active.jwk
INFO    | Scanning /run/user/1000/avd/running/16052/jwks/ebba8e30-3501-43a0-b396-564db712afe7 for jwk keys.
INFO    | Started GRPC server at, security: Local, auth: +token
INFO    | Advertising in: /run/user/1000/avd/running/pid_16052.ini
DEBUG   | Successfully initialized Wi-Fi
DEBUG   | emulator_window_fb_rotate
I0302 00:23:41.321514   16206 FrameBuffer.cpp:3707] setDisplayConfigs w 1440 h 3120 dpiX 560 dpiY 560
DEBUG   | setDisplayPose 0 x 0 y 0 w 1440 h 3120 dpi 0
I0302 00:23:41.321542   16206 FrameBuffer.cpp:3720] setDisplayActiveConfig 0
DEBUG   | Adjusting window size by 0.29x for hw_lcd_density
DEBUG   | Path:/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb protocol version: 41
DEBUG   | Path:/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb protocol version: 41
DEBUG   | Path:/usr/bin/adb protocol version: 41
DEBUG   | Found: 3 adb executables
DEBUG   | Adb: /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb
DEBUG   | Adb: /home/rolf/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb
DEBUG   | Adb: /usr/bin/adb
DEBUG   | Path:/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb protocol version: 41
DEBUG   | Path:/home/rolf/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb protocol version: 41
DEBUG   | Path:/usr/bin/adb protocol version: 41
DEBUG   | config multidisplay with config.ini 0x0 0x0 0x0
DEBUG   | No acpi ini file provided, using default
DEBUG   | added one RIL client
INFO    | Loading snapshot 'default_boot'...
DEBUG   | OpenGL Vendor=[Google (Intel)]
OpenGL Vendor=[Google (Intel)]DEBUG   | OpenGL Renderer=[Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Mesa Intel(R) Graphics (ADL GT2))]
OpenGL Renderer=[Android Emulator OpenGL ES Translator (Mesa Intel(R) Graphics (ADL GT2))]DEBUG   | OpenGL Version=[OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-manjaro1.1)]
OpenGL Version=[OpenGL ES 3.0 (4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-manjaro1.1)]DEBUG   | No acpi ini file provided, using default
INFO    | Activated packet streamer for bluetooth emulation
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.947244:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.947310:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.947401:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.947424:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.947448:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948300:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948320:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948340:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948360:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948380:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948399:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948419:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21136:20240302,003241.948442:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:64] tag not found
[21136:21137:20240302,003241.967236:ERROR] opendir /tmp/android-rolf/emu-crash-34.1.18.db/attachments/7b6e821f-f1ca-417e-bd2b-24153b1e3431: No such file or directory (2)
[1]    21126 segmentation fault (core dumped)  emulator -avd Pixel_7_Pro_API_33 -verbose

everything was o.k. until this last line in your output

What happened after that?

The data on the core dump is not present.

How did you generate this output?

some journalctl command probably

I ran the emulator with the verbose flag

Well - not helpful.
system logs would be the other option then
journalctl ...

Is your system up to date?
Package versions involved ā€¦

information ā€¦

Iā€™m having the same problem. It occurred sometime after Feb 23rd. Iā€™ve at least tracked it down to a problem using the hardware drivers; if I edit my AVD settings and change the graphics to ā€œSoftwareā€ it works. ā€œAutoā€ or ā€œHardwareā€ cause the fault.

Luckily I had a backup of my installation I could roll back to and confirm it used to work. I then tried upgrading everything except mesa, xorg, and wayland but then the segfault appeared again.

Edit: journalctl showed the following:

Mar 09 16:40:17 budgie-l7400 systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 4601/UID 0).
Mar 09 16:40:21 budgie-l7400 (sd-parse-elf)[4603]: Could not parse number of program headers from core file: invalid `Elf' handle
Mar 09 16:40:21 budgie-l7400 systemd-coredump[4602]: [šŸ”•] Process 4379 (qemu-system-x86) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/imageformats/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/iconengines/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/iconengines/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/platforminputcontexts/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/platforms/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/plugins/platforms/
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ without build-id.
                                                     Module /home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/
                                                     Stack trace of thread 4412:
                                                     #0  0x00007f9b0883986b n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3986b)
                                                     #1  0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #2  0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #3  0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #4  0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #5  0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #6  0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #7  0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #8  0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #9  0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #10 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #11 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #12 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #13 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #14 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #15 0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #16 0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #17 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #18 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #19 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #20 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #21 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #22 0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #23 0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #24 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #25 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #26 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #27 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #28 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #29 0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #30 0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #31 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #32 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #33 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #34 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #35 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #36 0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #37 0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #38 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #39 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #40 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #41 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #42 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #43 0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #44 0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #45 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #46 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #47 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #48 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #49 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #50 0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #51 0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #52 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #53 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #54 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #55 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #56 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     #57 0x00007f9b08d5d8fe n/a ( + 0x118fe)
                                                     #58 0x00007f9b08d5e2c0 n/a ( + 0x122c0)
                                                     #59 0x00007f9b08d5e3bc n/a ( + 0x123bc)
                                                     #60 0x00007f9b08d60d2c __tls_get_addr ( + 0x14d2c)
                                                     #61 0x00007f9b0882ec03 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x2ec03)
                                                     #62 0x00007f9b0881d031 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x1d031)
                                                     #63 0x00007f9b0883a6fc n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/ + 0x3a6fc)
                                                     Stack trace of thread 4379:
                                                     #0  0x00007f9b05122420 n/a (/home/android/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64/qt/lib/ + 0x322420)
                                                     ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
Mar 09 16:40:21 budgie-l7400 systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@2-4601-0.service: Deactivated successfully.
Mar 09 16:40:21 budgie-l7400 systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@2-4601-0.service: Consumed 3.097s CPU time.

Thanks for the help to all. The software rendering works for now. I really need the emulator for work and donā€™t have time for this right now. So will run it with software rendering for now, and see if itā€™s fixed on the next qemu update. If anyone finds a fix, please post it here :smile:

1 Like

I encountered the same problem, but I managed to solve it by disabling vulkan in the Android Studio emulator.

ā€˜echo ā€˜Vulkan = off\nGLDirectMem = onā€™ > ~/.android/advancedFeatures.iniā€™