Seem to be missing - kernel panic

I dont remember exactly what package I was installing, but my terminal began returning an error, so i reboot. After the reboot my kernel would crash, stating:

/sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

after scraping the internet, it would seem i ended up uninstalling xz-utils somehow, probably entered the wrong option on an install script.

So i was wondering what i could do to reinstall this from a live-boot environment, if possible, if not I will just backup what files i can and reinstall.

can you boot on USB iso manjaro
open a terminal

sudo manjaro-chroot -a
pacman-mirrors -c all
pacman -Syyu
exit ( end chroot)

then reboot

unfortunately this gives the same error.

pacman: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Try pacman-static:

wget ""
chmod +x ./pacman-static
sudo ./pacman-static -Syyu

same issue afterwards, non-static pacman and boot say the above error.

Have you tried (re)installing the xz package?

yes, this resulted in pacman returning nothing, and the boot error changing to pacman: error while loading shared libraries: file is too short

So no output? That’s not a good sing.

Something probably went wrong during the installation.

yeah i think at this point, it might just be safer for a full system reinstall to be done.

Well, you could try one more thing:

wget ""
sudo ./pacman-static -U "xz-5.2.5-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst"

same problem :confused: my stuff is backed up.

home directory is backed up after my day at work, so im just resetting.

thankyou for all the help, i learned a bit.

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