Second monitor not detected

is there a menu at the left-bootom corner of the login-screen wher you can choose between X11 and wayland ?

Yes there is this menu, but each time i try to switch, i go back to the login-screen

okay, then we’ll use the hard way. first login as usual, open a terminal and post the output of

systemctl status optimus-manager

Thank you for your help !

This is the output :

● optimus-manager.service - Optimus Manager Commands Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/optimus-manager.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-06-17 11:30:25 CEST; 8min ago
    Process: 756 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/python3 -u -m optimus_manager.hooks.pre_daemon_start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 847 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/python3 -u -m optimus_manager.hooks.pre_xorg_start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 868 (python3)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 38106)
     Memory: 19.1M
        CPU: 126ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/optimus-manager.service
             └─868 /usr/bin/python3 -u -m optimus_manager.daemon

juin 17 11:30:25 Rincevent python3[847]: [23] INFO: Available modules: ['nouveau', 'nvidia', 'nvidia_drm', 'nvidia_modeset', 'nvi>
juin 17 11:30:25 Rincevent python3[847]: [23] INFO: Unloading modules ['nvidia_drm', 'nvidia_modeset', 'nvidia_uvm', 'nvidia'] (i>
juin 17 11:30:25 Rincevent python3[847]: [25] INFO: switching=none, nothing to do
juin 17 11:30:25 Rincevent python3[847]: [40] INFO: Writing to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-optimus-manager.conf
juin 17 11:30:25 Rincevent python3[847]: [40] INFO: Writing state {'type': 'pending_post_xorg_start', 'switch_id': '20230617T1130>
juin 17 11:30:25 Rincevent python3[847]: [41] INFO: Xorg pre-start hook completed successfully.
juin 17 11:30:25 Rincevent systemd[1]: Started Optimus Manager Commands Daemon.
juin 17 11:30:26 Rincevent python3[868]: [0] INFO: # Commands daemon
juin 17 11:30:26 Rincevent python3[868]: [0] INFO: Opening UNIX socket
juin 17 11:30:26 Rincevent python3[868]: [0] INFO: Awaiting commands

nice … optimus-manager is already active. you are able to edit a file with sudo-rights ? just for my info…

Yes i can

okay, please give me 5 minutes, i’m back

open /etc/default/grub and add the following


to the existing line


pay attention that you just add it into the existing commands

save it and run the following commands

sudo update-grub
sudo mkinitcpio -P

you’ll force to start with nvida-gpu active with this procedure
choose x11 at login

edit: keep in mind that to uncomment Waylandenable=false in the gdm.conf file as already explained

That should not be needed because GDM should disable the wayland session if it detects a laptop with hybrid configuration with an nvidia gpu. This is specified in /lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules. The fact that apparently this does not happen is more concerning.

@LeoVitorino can you post the output of ls /run/udev/gdm-* after logging into a graphical session?

I’m really sorry, it’s not working… I’m having the same problem as before, my screen is still blocking on the “DELL” logo. But I haven’t tried to connect my external screen. I will test it.

@pobrn this is the output :

/run/udev/gdm-machine-has-hardware-gpu  /run/udev/gdm-machine-has-vendor-nvidia-driver  /run/udev/gdm-machine-is-laptop

There should be a file named gdm-machine-has-hybrid-graphics as well. Please post the output of

lsmod | grep nvidia
ls -d1 /sys/class/drm/*
ls /etc/X11/*

after logging in.

Hi @pobrn ,

Here’s the feedback I get :

Command 1 :

lsmod | grep nvidia
nvidia              60907520  24

Command 2 :

saisissez ou collez du code ici

Command 3 :

ls /etc/X11/*
nvidia.conf  nvidia.conf.nvidia-xconfig-original

xinitrc  xinitrc.d  xserverrc

00-keyboard.conf  10-optimus-manager.conf

you did that in the exact manner ? i’m not confident.

also: is the external device connected via hdmi ? if so check the revision number (1.4 or 2.x) and make sure that they match.

Oh I’m sorry, Waylandenable=false was comment. I’ll try it again… Sorry for that

please post the output of you grub-file first

cat /etc/default/grub | grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT

and you’ve run

sudo update-grub
sudo mkinitcpio -P


and what about the connection ? hdmi ? 1.4 or 2.0 ?

This is the output :

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash apparmor=1 security=apparmor udev.log_priority=3 ibt=off optimus-manager.startup=nvidia"

Last time I used these two commands as well:

sudo update-grub
sudo mkinitcpio -P

It is a hdmi 2.1 connexion.

Thank you !

Also, is it normal to have all these drivers installed? Is there a risk of incompatibility?

is it possible that you can try using a dp instead a hdmi to connect the external display ?

I don’t have a display port on my laptop, but for my Windows session I use a “dock” with a Thunderbolt 4 connection and it works fine.

I’ve tried this connection but it doesn’t work either…