Sddm-greeter issue

Hello. I am using Manjaro Plasma on a Pinephone Pro. I recently had this issue (taken from the phone):

       PID: 5595 (sddm-greeter)
       UID: 969 (sddm)
       GID: 969 (sddm)
    Signal: 4 (ILL)
 Timestamp: Tue 2023-03-28 09:17:08 EDT (1min 58s ago)

Command Line: /usr/bin/sddm-greeter --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-hCNZxY
Executable: /usr/bin/sddm-greeter
Control Group: /user.slice/user-969.slice/session-c2.scope
Unit: session-c2.scope
Slice: user-969.slice
Session: c2
Owner UID: 969 (sddm)
Boot ID: 665edaeaa160447c97d4a5cde25f092b
Machine ID: 9a5f2c4d39e94117aef4e1988eec40b8
Hostname: manjaro-arm
Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.sddm-greeter.969.665edaeaa160447c97d4a5cde25f092b.5595.1680009428000000.zst (inaccessible)
Message: Process 5595 (sddm-greeter) of user 969 dumped core.

            Stack trace of thread 5595:
            #0  0x0000ffff853a9fe0 n/a ( + 0x1d9fe0)
            #1  0x0000ffff853b6194 n/a ( + 0x1e6194)
            #2  0x0000ffff853b8414 n/a ( + 0x1e8414)
            #3  0x0000ffff853b32c0 _ZNK4QDir9entryListERK11QStringList6QFlagsINS_6FilterEES3_INS_8SortFlagEE ( + 0x1e32c0)
            #4  0x0000ffff853b3580 _ZNK4QDir9entryListE6QFlagsINS_6FilterEES0_INS_8SortFlagEE ( + 0x1e3580)
            #5  0x0000ffff854a5b08 _ZN14QFactoryLoader6updateEv ( + 0x2d5b08)
            #6  0x0000ffff854a74b4 _ZN14QFactoryLoaderC2EPKcRK7QStringN2Qt15CaseSensitivityE ( + 0x2d74b4)
            #7  0x0000ffff858b9b10 _ZN27QPlatformIntegrationFactory4keysERK7QString ( + 0x119b10)
            #8  0x0000ffff858cbc18 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate25createPlatformIntegrationEv ( + 0x12bc18)
            #9  0x0000ffff858cd770 _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate21createEventDispatcherEv ( + 0x12d770)
            #10 0x0000ffff854c78f4 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate4initEv ( + 0x2f78f4)
            #11 0x0000ffff858d105c _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate4initEv ( + 0x13105c)
            #12 0x0000ffff858d21f0 _ZN15QGuiApplicationC1ERiPPci ( + 0x1321f0)
            #13 0x0000aaaab420a54c main (sddm-greeter + 0x1a54c)
            #14 0x0000ffff84da7b80 n/a
            #15 0x0000ffff84da7c60 __libc_start_main ( + 0x27c60)
            #16 0x0000aaaab420ad70 _start (sddm-greeter + 0x1ad70)
            ELF object binary architecture: AARCH64

[off topic]
Note, I’m neither a programmer nor a developer. I’m a long time Linux user. I bought the Pinephone Pro as a consumer interested in seeing an open source alternative to Google and Apple phones. Realizing that it is in the early development phase, my hope was to help by giving feedback, though I’m not sure if I’m actually posting the issues that I find in the right place. Perhaps there is some automated way to make bug reports? Anyway, thus far my most significant contribution seems to be voting on whether an update/upgrade succeeded (yea or nay). I suppose this is something. I guess. I suppose. Maybe… admittedly, I’m having a tough time convincing myself that this is actually a contribution of any significance.

Also, I find that I cannot access this forum on the Pinephone Pro. The default browser, Angelfish (1), is not accepted by this forum, and Firefox is too heavy a browser for the phone. So, I try to copy the crash reports (it’d be much easier if there was a “select all” option) and send them to my laptop to make posts. I find it odd that I can’t use my Linux phone to make reports about the phone here on this forum.

  1. “Unfortunately, your browser is unsuported. Please switch to a supported browser to view rich content, log in and reply.”

[/off topic]

For the browser issue, see:

and in particular the instructions for Angelfish that I have just added:

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