Since approximately 3 month, after an update via pacman -Syu I have experienced weird screen behaviour. sorry to not write earlier but I had to do work and figured it gets fixed probably anyway.
Before this update everything was working very well.
When having activated only one screen everything is fine, when using multiple (I sometimes use 2, sometimes 3 screens) only the primary screen gets updated correctly.
The other ones seem to not ‘delete their drawings’, meaning I get these weird graphical glitches some might still remember from windows NT…
Here is an image as this might be more clear: apparently I cant embed images even though the editor offered me the option and took the upload… so here we have to go… okaaay… so I can’t also embed LINKS in this post… so here you have to copy paste yourselves…
Seems to me to be somewhat random. Sometimes my second external monitor works fine but my laptop display does not. Sometimes the second one also has these remnants.
I don’t know. I have probably the same issue and disabling picom seems to resolve it. Additionally, I don’t know why picom is “needed” anyway. (Translucent windows don’t make much sense in i3.)
bit offtopic as its about translucency in i3wm:
for me this is just asthetics. did use it sometimes, as windows can still be put in foreground and scrachpadded (f.e. bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show and bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle from my i3conf )
so for now this is a quick makeshift solution and I’m not having the time currently to look into why this happens with picom and how to fix it, still it’d be worth the fix for quite some people I imagine using the transparency features.