Screen freezes on log in page after typing password and pressing enter


To start from the beginning, I had problems with my speakers (front right one was not working), I did some research and found out that PulseAudio and PipeWire can cause some issues when working together, so I decided to remove PulseAduio. After that I rebooted my computer, and it was good before I typed the CORRECT password and pressed Enter. The screen freezes after that with a gray background and a mouse pointer on it, which I can’t move, so I have to press and hold the power botton to start the computer again.
Maybe it is worth to mention, that I had some freezing problems while just working and mainly (but not always) when I was using Dbeaver, and every time I used power botton to reboot.

I already read some other threats, and used tty2 to run suggested commands, but they didn’t work.

I use manjaro for about a year now, but I’m not so good at understanding different commands, so I ran only the ones which wouldn’t make everything even worse.

Also I would like to show the outputs of some commands , but I’m on my phone because of my issue.

Two generic suggestions:

if you can go to a TTY - do that instead of just power cycling your machine.
CTRL+ALT+F3 and then log in there and type reboot or poweroff
That way the shutdown is clean.

if you can go to a TTY - do that before you try to log in
before the system hangs
and run an update
sudo pacman -Syu

Thanks for the reply.
It says there is nothing to do

If this is the only thing you have done - and if it indeed worked before - then I’d suggest the to me logical thing:
revert whatever you did.

Depending on HOW you removed pulseaudio,
if you didn’t examine the output of what the command you ran told you what it was about to do,
it may well be that this took quite some stuff with it that you did not intend to remove.

less /var/log/pacman.log
and go to the end of the list
By the timestamps you can see what was done when - if you don’t remember.

Before deleting PulseAudio I ran

yay -Syyuu

which upgraded openssl 1.0.2.u-3 to 1.0.2.u-4, after which I ran

sudo pacman -Ru --nodeps pulseaudio pulseaudio-equalizer pulseaudio-jack pulseaudio-lirc pulseaudio-rtp pulseaudio-zeroconf pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-pa pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-ctl manjaro-pulse

after which I rebooted and it started freezing.
Then I went to tty2, and ran

inxi -Aa

where it said that PulseAudio is still running, so I ran

sudo pacman -Ru --nodeps pulseaudio pulseaudio-equalizer pulseaudio-jack pulseaudio-lirc pulseaudio-rtp pulseaudio-zeroconf pulseaudio-bluetooth pulseaudio-pa pulseaudio-alsa pulseaudio-ctl manjaro-pulse && sudo pacman -S manjaro-pipewire

deleted the files which I don’t know why had not been deleted before, and installed PipeWire or missing packages of PipeWire

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It will keep running until you stop it - it’s in memory.
Uninstalling will (likely) not kill it.

…whatever that means :man_shrugging:

The commands you ran seem to be ok and should not have caused harm.
But did you check whether this was indeed all that was removed?
less /var/log/pacman.log

and, again:
if all was working before - undo what you did

and/or check some logs

Yes, it is