Samsung Second Screen On Manjaro/Linux

Excuse me, I didn’t exactly know what category should I put for this so here it goes:
I’m on Windows 11 now, I’ve installed the Samsung Second Screen app from MS Store which my Galaxy Tablet supports and I like it a lot.

Is there any similar uncomplicated alternative for Linux especially Manjaro which does the same?

It’s just one of the reasons I can’t get back to Linux while I really want to

I don’t want to use Linux virtually. My point is to get this feature on my main drive.

Thanks for any help. All is appreciated.

Hi @omar1,

Maybe this helps:

Or this:


There’s this as well:

And it’s in the AUR:

$ pamac search deskreen
deskreen-bin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2.0.4-1  AUR
Turns any device with a web browser to a second screen for your computer (binary release)

So can be quite easily installed using:

pamac build deskreen-bin

Anything more than this,


:laughing: that is the most lame excuse I have heard in a long time.

Either you use Linux or you don’t - there is no middle ground - at least that has been my experience.

Get rid of that dual-boot if you really want more privacy than mainstream OS (Google, Apple, Microsoft) is giving you.

If you keep waiting for others to invent your wheels - you are going nowhere :slight_smile:


I’ve installed it on Windows and been trying so much to make it work. The IP address shows up then when I scan the QR code on tablet, it doesn’t connect. I don’t think any difference will happen on Linux but thank you for the suggestion.

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Come again?

I didn’t ask anyone to invent anything. All I asked was: Does Linux have an alternative for software X? Like what? I’m supposed to write that app myself? lol.

What I mean is - if using your tablet as an extra monitor is a showstopper … if you just sit down waiting until your requirements are met - you will wait for ever … law of nature …

@Mirdarthos comment contains useful info - but don’t expect LInux to be like Windows - if you do you will certainly be disappointed.


Perhaps I am a lucky duck - I don’t have big expectations - other than a stable reliable system which doesn’t phone home about this and that and everything.

My virtual windows is based on windows 10 2016ltsb and I have decrapped the os using

which makes my windows development environment less prone to weird issues.

My favorite search engine has these suggestions for further education

Have you check scrcpy (Screen Copy) - it is even in the official repo (inherited from Arch)

also @Mirdarthos
The app (an app) he wants is one which can be used to control the Linux Desktop from the Tablet - likely not one to just show the screen.

here is a link to what the windows app is described as to be capable of:

Use the Second screen feature to extend your Windows computer to your Galaxy tablet | Samsung CA

I realized that when I tried to figure out WTF is Samsung Second Screen. But I gave suggestions, because I couldn’t find something like it exactly and I didn’t test anything - I’m more than happy using my tablet for what it is, and my monitor for what IT is. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They were just what they are: suggestions.

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Screen mirroring isn’t Remote control.
Also, I think Scrcpy mirrors Android screen to the computer monitor. I asked the opposite.

A first look at the Samsung app makes me think it uses Miracast.

When you use Gnome and Wi-Fi is able to do P2P-Wifi (Wifi-Direct), then you can use the Tablet as second screen. Obviously, this will not work in a virtual machine, but it is the same thing as Windows use here.

It is this: GNOME / gnome-network-displays · GitLab

pamac build gnome-network-displays

:notebook: But note: it is still experimental at the moment.

Deskreen or VirtScreen use VNC as backend. So it creates a Virtual Monitor on Intel GPUs and on the Tablet it will start a VNC-Viewer. Therefore, stream Virtual Monitor to the VNC Viewer on the Tablet. Obviously, this will not work in a Virtual Machine because it needs a Virtual Monitor, which the Virtual GPU provided by the Virtual Machine is not capable of.

So at the end, to use that feature, you have to install Manjaro, since there is no way to test this in a Virtual Machine. :man_shrugging:

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I know - that’s why I deleted my comment mentioning it a minute after I had posted it.
You saw it nonetheless.
It is long gone, was only here for a minute …

Omg! Ubuntu did an article on the topic not long ago.

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This is total news for me. I’ll look into it. Many thanks but is it a Gnome thing only?

Very interesting. Didn’t notice it. Is it the same thing that @megavolt mentioned? and is it a Gnome thing only as far as you know?

Yes, this GUI is Gnome-Only. I don’t know any other Miracast implementation by now and to be honest there is also not much effort put in to make it working good. It is still experimental, what means: It can work for you, but it doesn’t work widly.

Any other technology uses widely VNC or RDP as streaming protocol.

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Oh ok, so it’s very experimental and not something very functional to use, better than nothing I guess. I’ll check it out when I can, Thank you.

Eventually we might see more DEs following through. Sway seems to be working on it.

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I just found this Weylus Does anyone know about it?

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