Samsung m2020 printer install troubles

I installed the latest driver and manjaro-printer. The printer if present with lsblk and I added the printer in the settings as pictured. When I click on the “test page” there is no response. When I try the CUPS, and under “test printer”, I get an error as pictured (last one). Would appreciate help to get this printer working.

Screenshot from 2021-09-12 08-11-15

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The “generic text-only printer” type seems suspiciously like missing drivers.

Which device is it exactly? If I quickly search for Canon M2020, there is no good result.

It is samsung m2020…

I apologize, I don’t know why I read Canon, must have been the leading M which usually indicates Canon 🤷

Did you install any drivers? The AUR has a few: AUR (en) - samsung-unified-driver