Running rebuild-detector on Manjaro ARM

Has anyone tried running rebuild-detector on Manjaro ARM? I get the following output when running checkrebuild:

warning: config /etc/pacman.conf line 19: unknown option 'SyncFirst'
warning: config /etc/pacman.conf line 19: unknown option 'SyncFirst'
warning: config /etc/pacman.conf line 19: unknown option 'SyncFirst'
warning: config /etc/pacman.conf line 19: unknown option 'SyncFirst'
warning: config /etc/pacman.conf line 19: unknown option 'SyncFirst'
warning: config /etc/pacman.conf line 19: unknown option 'SyncFirst'
foreign zotero-arm-bin

The SyncFirst line is also present in /etc/pacman.conf on my x86_64 system, but checkrebuild doesn’t trigger these warnings on that system.

I did use checkrebuild and get the same warning. I’ve asked if it is due to my config or anything else but I didn’t get any answer. So, I’ve commented the line in my pacman.conf for now.
Maybe your request will show us the light… :wink:

Edit : even with the new rebuild-detector package (4.1.5-1) it’s still there

looks like upstream pacman/pacutils doesn’t support that option, but it is patched in on manjaro installs. manjaro has a custom pacutils that does not display that warning, but only (currently) on x86_64 installs.

created this issue. hopefully it will be addressed

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Hm. Yeah, we use the Arch pacutils, which does not have the SyncFirst support. I will add it to our overlay, when we introduce pacman 6.0.



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