Run/Open Dolphin With Elevated Priviledges (as root) in Manjaro KDE

Excellent instructions here:


You’ll get this error:
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to ‘/tmp/runtime-root’
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to ‘/tmp/runtime-root’
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to ‘/tmp/runtime-root’
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to ‘/tmp/runtime-root’
“Session bus not found\nTo circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and
bash)\nexport $(dbus-launch)”

To Fix it do the following:
Open Add Remove Software
Search for dbus and remove it
search for dbus-x11 and install it

Problem solved.

Further information:

5 on this link is very useful (puts it in the right click menu):

Maybe not a good idea to run as root.

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And why not?

You can get owned easyer. And defeats the purpose of the security what Unix / Linux is based on.

Its a bad idea, you shouldnt, there is a reason KDE disables it by default.

Because its inherently insecure. You dont use sudo with GUI applications.
What you are effectively doing is sudoing all of X (the thing that draws stuff on your screen).

This has all been covered a thousand times. Theres even other threads on this forum and the old one.

And what is your desire anyways? Editing a file with elevated permissions?
Guess what - kate handles polkit just fine by itself - open a file, edit, save … and if necessary it will prompt you for credentials.

PS - see this:


Let me guess…

its dangerous… right?

Nope. Not dangerous… Dangerous is riding a motorcycle at 200mph w/o a helmet… Running a file manager as root is not dangerous. You may (if an 1 week in noob) delete a needed file, or if some hacker has a reverse sell with a phone home for root on your desktop computer may get hacked.

But… lets all be clear. very few home owners get hacked and even less so for Linux users. and every other file manager runs as root. and Windows is root 100% of the time unless computers are managed by ADUC or some other admin reasons.

I have been using linux for years, I make many modifications to my system files. I have a way I like to do things and running my file manager as root is the way i like to do it. I can assure you there are millions with the same prospective. Just check the forums… lol lol. Looks like Dolphin devs got a royal romping for disabling it.

I like to be very nice and have had an amazing experience on this forum and with Manjaro for the past few weeks but disabling the file managers root access is worse then samsung locking the bootloader of all US phones. Lets just call it a terrible idea.

I know Kate allows for config files to be edited and saved.

I add files, i remove files, i modify directories, i modify/move several files at once, and the list goes on and on. Geeze, i cannot even theme my box without root privs. Its my box, not yours and this is the reason i use Linux because i can do things the way I want to do them. Not the way someone or some corporation tells me i have to. And finally I’m sorry i dont want to type thousands of characters and remember all the commands to do this in a terminal. This is a similar reason for having services such as DNS, and yes… the GUI. So This will be my last comment on this as its obvious the moderators don’t like me posting this. My guess is they will either remove it or hide it from the Google crawler so others cant see it…

Removing file manager root privs is the single dumbest thing i have ever heard of in a Linux system. infuriating to say the least.

Lets agree to disagree and we can still be friends.

Its also an issue with accidentally doing something stupid.
Or inadvertently changing permissions.
You can do that all to yourself - no haxor needed.
And if someone thinks they need this kind of thing … they are likely someone who would make such a mistake.

Hah. So because you do things the wrong way … its the devs being stupid. LOL right back at you I guess.

…but… its been like this for years. Everything related to this has been core computing practice of linux/unix for even longer…

OK … so you are one of these people who wants to just disable root security checks or passwords in general? … you can certainly do that. Its not how linux is supposed to be run and I dont consider it a great concept … but sure you can.

Yes. I am certainly going to close and hide this thread as its more than not-useful … its actively detrimental. You can use your system however you want … but I dont think we should proliferate bad practices.

…ok… this is you just repeating yourself with your unjustified perspective.
(my personal least favorite was probably the embedded amazon in ubuntu)

Ok sure. We can still be friends. I think everything above is pretty silly … but it doesnt mean I dislike you.

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I just wanted to point out GNU/Linux is not about security. It is about a single ideal and nothing more or less for that matter. That single ideal is freedom. This ideal that anyone or anything can do as they wish with their systems. That can mean security, or lack-there-of as well as anything else a team, individual or entity wishes to use it for. Don’t confuse the preferences of a team with the intention of GNU and or Linux.

Here. A link for some light reading. GNU - Wikipedia

an excerpt from the link if you don’t wish to read it…
GNU is a project to create an operating system, consisting of an extensive collection of wholly free software. The use of the completed GNU tools led to the family of operating systems popularly known as Linux.Since GNU’s own kernel never left the early stages of development, the GNU operating system is still considered not ready for production use. Most of GNU is licensed under the GNU Project’s own General Public License (GPL).
Richard Stallman, founder of the GNU project

GNU is also the project within which the free software concept originated. Richard Stallman, the founder of the project, views GNU as a “technical means to a social end”.Relatedly, Lawrence Lessig states in his introduction to the second edition of Stallman’s book Free Software, Free Society that in it Stallman has written about “the social aspects of software and how Free Software can create community and social justice”.

And just a little more background which you can read further here: What is free software? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

“Free software” means software that respects users’ freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software . Thus, “free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer”. We sometimes call it “libre software,” borrowing the French or Spanish word for “free” as in freedom, to show we do not mean the software is gratis.

While I have not a shadow of doubt that your intentions are good, please don’t lose sight of the reason GNU and Linux exist and with the power you posses over this forum I ask you to remember the historical sacrifices others have made so you can wield the power you do over this forum and one of the leading Linux desktop distributions. GNU/Linux is freedom and nothing more or less.

Having the freedom to make what others may consider bad choices is the single reason GNU/Linux exists. Deliberately hindering that freedom in the guise of good intent is a paved road the the downfall of both individual and nation and in this case Manjaro GNU/Linux. Just ask Ubuntu with their Amazon integration and OSX with their removal of root privs and end to end control and Windows (well I don’t need to list an example here). These above and many many more are the reasons Manjaro, Debian and Arch exist. Don’t let it slip through the cracks and allow Manjaro to become another Ubuntu or Windows…

You guys have an amazing thing going here with an incredible distro and an equally incredible forum. Restricting peoples choice will relegate Manjaro to the past tense which I certainly don’t want to see happen anytime soon and I would be equally certain you share in this wish.

You are free to do whatever you want with your own system.
You are not free to harm other users by painting your unfounded opinions as gospel.

Closing now.