Why a portable mirror
There could be any number of reasons to use a portable mirror - some common use cases
You have work to do and you don’t want to destablize your perfect system but you need a specific package
Your internet connection for syncing (installing) is slow or metered
The Nvidia drivers work just the way they should
To be able to travel and you ind you desperately need an arbitrary package
The desktop is mostly bugfree → Gnome or Plasma
This topic is intended to provide a hands-on - proof of concept - on how to honor any of the above expectations
Using a portable mirror is no different than using an online mirror - except the fact that you become your own mirror proovider.
Technically - with out too much hazzle - you can expand the availability to your local network - but for now let us stay with the portable mirror abstraction.
Initial requirement of a reasonable fast and reliable internet connection. Could be your campus, a public service or a friend’s unlimited internet connection.
Initial data transfer of ~100GB data - the initial mirror sync.
A storage device capable of holding this initial transfer plus the overhead of temporary files making a device with at least 128GB free space.
A lot of patience (see the Patience section in the sidebar)
Do not cheap out on the device - use a branded device with good reputation of reliability and resilience to accidents like drops or moisture.
A normal Manjaro stable branch sees fewer sync than testing and unstable, so scheduling a monthly sync of your portable mirror could be sufficient.
But as your own mirror provider - you may choose any other schedule that fits into your workflow.
Create a Linux partition with (as miniminum) 128GB space and format it with ext4 and the label PortableMirror - do not use btrfs even if you prefer - it is not suited for this purpose.
To avoid accidental change of your PortableMirror device you should only change the device using root context.
This means you run the rsync script using sudo as this will ensure some integrity against accidental changes.
This also means we create the initial script using root context.
Mount the partition using the label PortableMirror on the designated temporary mountpoint /mnt.
sudo mount /dev/disk/by-label/PortableMirror /mnt
Create a new file on the new partition - call it rsync-manjaro.sh. I am using micro as my terminal editor - replace micro with your preferred editor capable of obtaining root permissions for saving the file.
micro /mnt/rsync-manjaro.sh
Paste the following and save the file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This must be a relative path starting with the scripts location
# To accomodate for various ways of executing the script I have used
# this snippet to ensure we always know the exact path of the script
# https://www.baeldung.com/linux/bash-get-location-within-script
while [ -L "${SCRIPT_PATH}" ]; do
SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd -P "$(dirname "${SCRIPT_PATH}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"
SCRIPT_PATH="$(readlink "${SCRIPT_PATH}")"
SCRIPT_PATH="$(readlink -f "${SCRIPT_PATH}")"
SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd -P "$(dirname -- "${SCRIPT_PATH}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"
# this will be the folder holding the portable mirror
# working variables
# lockfile will prevent multiple instances of the script process
# if the script is terminated mid execution
# you may need to manually remove the lockfile
# this is the mirror to sync from
# you æmay need to evaluate various mirrors to
# find one that supports checksum
# assume checksum
# verify if checksum can be used
check=$(rsync --checksum --dry-run ${SOURCE})
[[ ${check} =~ "disabled" ]] && unset CHECKSUM
# create the targets
[ ! -d "${TARGET}" ] && mkdir -p "${TARGET}"
[ ! -d "${TMP}" ] && mkdir -p "${TMP}"
# exit if lockfile exist
exec 9>"${LOCK}"
flock -n 9 || exit
# if running from a timer or a cron job silence the output
if ! stty &>/dev/null; then
if [[ -z $QUIET ]]; then
echo "--== SYNC PORTABLE MIRROR ==--"
echo "${SOURCE}"
echo "please wait ... "
### This rsync command creates a copy of stable repo
### where symlinks are converted to regular files
### Expect the size to be around 100GB
### It is possible to reduce the size further
### by excluding signatures
### this requires to execute the update as
### SigLevel=TrustAll sudo pacman -Syu
rsync -rtLv --safe-links \
--delete-after --progress -h \
--timeout=600 --contimeout=300 -p \
--delay-updates --no-motd \
--exclude="arm*" \
--exclude="pool" \
--exclude="testing" \
--exclude="unstable" \
--exclude="stable/kde-unstable" \
rm -f ${LOCK}
if [[ -z $QUIET ]]; then
echo "${SOURCE}"
echo "Sync complete"
If you have the internet connection and the time - run the script
sudo bash rsync-manjaro.sh
Whenever you have the option - once or twice a month - attach the device - mount it - open a terminal at the mount path - and execute above command to sync the portable mirror.
For documentation purpose I timed the initial sync using an ordinary folder on my system’s NVMe.
The number is for system connected to a Cat6 LAN, connected to the internet with 1Gbit fiber optic connection in Denmark… You need to adjust your expectation according to your bandwidth.
Besides the download time you need to factor in how fast data can be written to you selected storage device - which is why you should not not cheap out on the device.
$ time ./rsync-manjaro.sh
sent 568,87K bytes received 92,38G bytes 14,12M bytes/sec
total size is 92,35G speedup is 1,00
real 109m4,842s
user 0m20,322s
sys 2m8,504s
Using the portable mirror
Your portable mirror goes into the custom mirrors catagory and according to the manpage you can use a custom mirror as a file based miror or server based mirror.
If you want to make it available in an air-gapped network (understood as no internet connection) then use a http based mirror.
If you want to use on a single air-gapped system (with no network at all) the file based mirror is also an option.
In either case you need to mount the partition - and because we labelled the disk you do not need to know the device path - just remember the label. You could even attach a sticker to the device with the label name - easy recognizable on the desk.
Mirror configuration
The core application pacman-mirrors allows you to specify a given mirror using command line.
First mount the device
sudo mount /dev/disk/by-label/PortableMirror /mnt
For a file based mirror
sudo pacman-mirrors --api --url file:///mnt/PortableMirror
The process for a http mirror is slightly different as you must first start a http service. The system Python contains a simple http service you can utilize for this purpose.
python -m http.server -d /mnt/PortableMirror 8080 &
sudo pacman-mirrors --api --url http://localhost:8080
Static configuration
If going all-in on being your own mirror provider - you may choose to make your mirror configuration static. Edit pacman-mirrors.conf as root and uncomment the # Static = line and add your mirrors url and save the file.
When ready
sudo pacman -Syu
While setting up the portable mirror initially requires some work and patience to sync the stable branch repo, you are now able to install any application offline.
Remember this:
- pamac provides a timer which will remove your portable mirror
- pamac provides a notification when new packages can be synced
If you are going to rely on your portable mirror - it is advised to disable the timer and notification.
Instead of syncing your computer - sync your portable mirror - then sync your system using the portable mirror.