Root partition nearly full

I use 32 GB out of 500 for root, and recently i get this message saying that root partition is nearly full, i don’t have any unallocated space, is there a solution?

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/var/log file size?

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Welcome to the forum! :vulcan_salute:

I presume you’re using btrfs, and yes, that can happen. This is due to the way btrfs allocates free space. It does this in chunks of 1 GiB.

The solution is to “btrfs balance” your root filesystem. This will relocate the data and spread it out across the available chunks.

See… :point_down:

man btrfs-balance

Note: Even though the man page uses a hyphen, the command itself does not.

I would suggest trying first with… :point_down:

sudo btrfs balance start --full-balance /

You can then check the output of… :point_down:

btrfs filesystem usage -h /

Pay very good attention to the section labeled “Unallocated” in the output. This should more or less match the section labeled “Free”.

If the full balance does not yield a satisfactory result, you can give it another run with different parameters to fine-tune the balancing. For details, see the man page.


You find good Information about Btrfs in the wiki

and in (disk full)

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Also is /home under root? If so move it to another partition. [root tip] [How To] Move my home (content) to another partition

If you have btrfs, which you haven’t even said yet? Even show us the output of lsblk -f ?

It is probably on it’s own volume, not partition. (Which shares free space.) I actually forget what the default is.

Did load and configure Timeshift? This will install a hook to automatically snapshot before every pacman upgrade, and will only grow unless you put in a retention policy, or manually clean up older ones.

If using btrfs, there is an easier way to move your home. Which is a lot different than those steps. But is it even necessary? No one knows!

He offered his opinion - but is not the Op

Not sure how I missed that.

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