Root Partition Filling Up

I had deleted files from /mnt that were sent there on accident so its possible, but why is it showing up as used in /dev/mmcblk2p2 and not /dev/sda1 (SSD)?

ok that makes sense ill check

closer! mount --bind / /mnt & du -shx /mnt output shows me:

3.7G /

“You save me a lot of time, I have a backup script which performs its operations by anacron from ssd to hdd, and when I temporary removed hdd it had pushed a backup to hdd mount point. And of course I didn’t catch this.”

this is basically what happened - how can I delete the files under the mount?

When you unmount from that mountpoint, those files will be accessible. :wink:

is there a way to get to them while mounted?

Not that I know of. You could mount the existing storage somewhere else (another mountpoint) if you need to transfer anything to or from that. Or use a Live session. :slight_smile:

To umount the external drive:
$ sudo umount /mnt

Check to make sure the external drive has been unmounted from /mnt
$ df -h

Now change directory to /mnt
$ cd /mnt

Run this to make sure you are now in the /mnt directory
$ pwd

It should show this now:


Warning! Make VERY sure you are in /mnt before issuing the next command, it will remove every file from your current location and traverse every directory removing those files too.

$ rm -fr *

If you are in / when you run that command, it will remove every file on your SD.

And finally, remount the external drive or reboot.

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If you know what processes are running that access the drive, you will need to stop them. Hopefully you know, hunting those down can be difficult.

There is a command “lsof” which can tell you which files are open on a filesystem and the process that is accessing those files.

$ sudo lsof /mnt

It is far better to properly stop the processes. Also, if you changed directory to /mnt (ie. cd /mnt) this too counts as a process and will prevent the umount, and tell you the target is busy.

mount --bind / /mnt seemingly unmounted /mnt and the drive is no longer showing up in df -h

Got it! I found the old backup data that was taking up space - back down to 3.7G now!

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setting boot partition as read-only can prevent this - do you know any easy way to do that? i’d need to disable it only to update system/server packages

Have you checked man fstab?

There’s an example in this forum: Howto mount drive as read-only with fstab - Ask Ubuntu

There’s also this, which is more raspberry pi relevant:

yeah I found a guide for Raspbian. Looking at my fstab:

LABEL=BOOT_MNJRO /boot vfat defaults 0 0

thats obviously main filesystem partition, and I would change that to:

LABEL=BOOT_MNJRO /boot vfat ro,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async 0 0

this is great so far but it would just affect mount point /boot:

/dev/mmcblk2p1 214M 53M 161M 25% /boot

the partition that had the hidden data is: /dev/mmcblk2p2 15G 3.7G 9.8G 28% / but there is no mount point, so this wont be affected by the config above right?

Yes, but you said you wanted to make the boot partition Read-Only:

so changing the entry to: LABEL=BOOT_MNJRO /boot vfat ro,suid,dev,exec,auto,nouser,async 0 0 would do the trick then?

I don’t know about the others, but the ro one should be there atleast.

i just replaced default with all the default settings individually and changed rw to ro

would I still be able to update using sudo/root or will I have to change fstab back to rw before updating system?

No, no… setting /boot as read only will only serve to mess up your updates when you forget to remount it R/W. What I think you are wanting is to set the root filesystem / to be read only (to protect /mnt from being written to)… it can be done I suppose, but you will be greatly limited in the software you can run. Both /etc and /var are a real issue for having a R/O / filesystem.

I suppose you could make 2 extra partitions and mount them on /etc and /var but this will be headache, as partition size will matter and /var can grow unexpectedly. And with a MBR SD (limited to 4 primary partitions), you will have to make extended partitions.

So you will end up with a complex and fragile setup that is not easily “fixed” by simply making a new SD card from an image. You might be better off waiting for the UEFI firmware to be production ready for more complex filesystem configurations. But I do not know a timeframe of when this will happen.

There is something to be said for the simplicity of the RPi4 and SD cards, given the current immature status. I enjoy these types of complex configuration challenges myself, but not everyone else will.

yes, the root filesystem.

the main reason for wanting read-only is to prevent corruption in case of improper shutdown - the writing to /mnt was a one-off mistake and not an issue in future.

I got the idea from this thread: Raspbian with Read-only Root - Raspberry Pi Forums

im using a RockPi4 booting from eMMC, is there a way I can benefit from what they are doing in the thread above?

I am working on network booting a good number of RPi4 and I would very much like a R/O root filesystem, so they could all share a single root filesystem. So this is a work in progress for me as well. If I am successful in making a R/O filesystem that works for a general use desktop, I will for sure post it in my thread on network booting the RPi4.

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