Rock64 HDMI support

Manjaro 22.06 version on Rock64 V2 was running well with HDMI output. After installing all updates the HDMI output is not working anymore.
How can I fix that?
Many thanks!

Used image - Manjaro-ARM-mate-rock64-22.06: Releases · manjaro-arm/rock64-images · GitHub

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I would suggest building an image on the unstable branch with manjaro-arm-tools.


Nice to meet you, welcome on the forum.

To build a recent image for your device(s) follow this Wiki.

For your rock64 device

sudo buildarmimg -d rock64 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.02 -b unstable n

To add or remove some packages modify this file (choose your desktop environment here)

Find the build image here

Enjoy !

Dear Darksky, Dear,
many thanks for your answer and help. I was following your advice and the image was building without any error. Unfortunately it will not boot. Space, Boot and System partitions are “correctly” on the SD card but the boot partition does not contain any files. The "Manjaro-ARM-mate-rock64-22.06 (Releases · manjaro-arm/rock64-images · GitHub) has files in the Boot partition and boots just fine. Any idea?
Many thanks!


@Darksky @linux-aarhus @spikerguy
dczerong, you describe an issue I encounter sometime, a dev have to look it.

During the build process image, at the end, enter the root password in the pop up window that appears.
Don’t flash an image during the build image process, don’t flash your build image on your support during a build process.

To flash the image I use Raspberry Pi Imager.




Follow the next step, Enjoy !

Edit :
To send us a message (Darksky and nl.msart) write our alias as follow, with an @ first and then the alias @Darksky @me

I am sorry I messed up. The manjaro-arm-tools has not built any DEV images since last Dec 23rd. There is a problem with keys. I meant to say use manjaro-arm-installer-git. It will install directly to a sdcard ready to boot with out having to go through the OEM setup. To use it:

Depends and instructions. (Follow the using from gitlab instructions) I recommend xfce as mate has not been maintained in a while:

git clone
cd manjaro-arm-installer
chmod +x manjaro-arm-installer
sudo bash ./manjaro-arm-installer arm-unstable

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Dear @Darksky,
many thanks for the alternative way to create the system for the Rock64. Unfortunately, using that was resulting in the same outcome like with the previous method. It is not booting up. The ROOT partition is empty (no files inside); the SYSTEM partition has files and looks OK.
I think there is a general problem creating the boot information.
Very strange since the “old” build on your Git boots up just fine.
Quite a pity…
Again many thanks for all your help.
Best regards,

many thanks for pointing out that Raspberry PI tool to restore images. I normally use dd or DISK if I need graphical support. I may will give it a try.
Again many thanks!
Best regards,

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@dczerong I built an image for your device.

sudo buildarmimg -d rock64 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.05 -b unstable n

I flashed the built image on a emmc module (with Raspberry Pi Imager) boot and root partition are present, same test on a sd card boot and root partition are present.

If you are agree I share you the image I built, send me a private message, then I’ll share you the image.

many thanks for all your efforts and help. I just was flashing the exact same image I built with

sudo buildarmimg -d rock64 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.02 -b unstable n

using the Raspberry Pi Imager and indeed there are now 3 files in the BOOT partition (before it was empty). But those are only user/system information configuration files. It does not boot up on the Rock64, too. I used a absolute clean, newly installed and up to date Manjaro KDE on my computer to create the original “buildarming image”.
I’m happy to try your build and will send you a private message (if I find out how that works in the forum as “forum noob” :wink: )
Again many thanks!
Best regards,

Update: I just built a new image and recognized 2 errors I may have missed in the first place:
sudo buildarmimg -d rock64 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.05 -b unstable n

==> Creating kde-plasma edition rootfs image for rock64…
→ Extracting aarch64 rootfs…
→ Setting up keyrings…
==> ERROR: Aborting…
umount: /var/lib/manjaro-arm-tools/img/rootfs_aarch64/var/cache/pacman/pkg: not mounted.

==> Creating kde-plasma edition image for rock64…
→ Creating ext4 partitions…
→ Copying files to image…
mv: cannot stat ‘/var/lib/manjaro-arm-tools/tmp/root/boot/*’: No such file or directory
→ Writing the boot loader images…
Boot PARTUUID is 3e530dda-455a-4c6b-adeb-244a9da59cdf…
Root PARTUUID is 02af2409-9e72-4be8-a202-501e76bc9f65…
Root UUID is 6f3844d5-ac0b-495f-87e5-2ec7e5268bbc…
→ Cleaning up image…
→ Compressing Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-rock64-2025.02.05.img with xz…
Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-rock64-2025.02.05.img: 135,7 MiB / 1.838,0 MiB = 0,074, 39 MiB/s, 0:46
→ Removing rootfs_aarch64…

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Thanks for your feedback, no issue like this one with the image I built, I always keep the data generated during the build image process, I checked the file generated, I found no issue during the build process like the issue you describe, see below the end of my generated file

I built the image with manjaro-arm-tools (describe here with my fisrt post => manjaro-arm-tools How to) and not with manjaro-arm-installer.

First, install the manjaro-arm-tools

sudo pacman -S manjaro-arm-tools

Secondly, update the ARM Profiles

sudo getarmprofiles -f

Thirdly, build your image

sudo buildarmimg -d rock64 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.07 n

Enjoy !

You are using an older rootfs image. If you add -n to your build line then you will get the same error as he did. The last good rootfs was Dec. 23rd like I stated above.

He did get /boot files using manjaro-arm-installer above so I am thinking if he flashed the image correctly and it did not boot then it is not going to work unless some one finds the issue and corrects it. I do not have that device so I can not help with that.

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thanks for your reply, I can’t build any more the image with the command line :-/

sudo buildarmimg -d oc2 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.06 -b unstable
sudo buildarmimg -d oc2 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.06 -b unstable -n
sudo buildarmimg -d oc2 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.06 -b unstable n

[nls@lap ~]$ sudo buildarmimg -d oc2 -e kde-plasma -v 2025.02.06 -b unstable
[sudo] password for nls: 

==> Creating kde-plasma edition rootfs image for oc2...
  -> Removing old aarch64 rootfs...
  -> Extracting aarch64 rootfs...
  -> Setting up keyrings...
==> ERROR: Aborting...
umount: /var/lib/manjaro-arm-tools/img/rootfs_aarch64/var/cache/pacman/pkg: not mounted.

==> Creating kde-plasma edition image for oc2...
  -> Creating ext4 partitions...
  -> Copying files to image...
mv: cannot stat '/var/lib/manjaro-arm-tools/tmp/root/boot/*': No such file or directory
  -> Writing the boot loader images...
Boot PARTUUID is 08afd20b-01...
Root PARTUUID is 08afd20b-02...
Root UUID is f9467e35-1e43-415d-b946-d20d1a946363...
  -> Cleaning up image...
  -> Compressing Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-oc2-2025.02.06.img with xz...
Manjaro-ARM-kde-plasma-oc2-2025.02.06.img: 137,2 MiB / 1 838,0 MiB = 0,075, 37 MiB/s, 0:50
  -> Removing rootfs_aarch64...

==> Time elapsed: 1.13 minute(s)
[nls@lap ~]$

How to solve it ?

The last DEV images was built successfully on 20241223 but the rootfs was also built at the same time looking back so to be safe you need to grab the 20241216 rootfs image and replace the newer one you just downloaded when you added the -n. Just do not use the -n in the future until some one fixes things. I do not know what happened with the newer images and did not created the build scripts so I can not fix it.

Download the 20241216 rootfs image (Manjaro-ARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz) and copy it to it’s home in /var/lib/manjaro-arm-tools/img/.

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Thanks a lot, it works again to build images :slight_smile:

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Dear, Dear @Darksky,
many thanks for the discussion and help. I was building the image for the Rock64 using the 20241216 rootfs. There have been quite some warnings and I think there were some problem loading the rockchip settings/information during the build (not sure).
However, the image seems to boot up (based on the blinking pattern from the LEDs and the current draw of the board) but without HDMI output. I would need to establish a serial console and use minicom to see the boot information. I do not have the serial to USB device handy at the moment.
A bit disappointing since the Manjaro-ARM-mate-rock64-22.06 image boots up with HDMI just fine.
Again many thanks!
Best regards,

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Some warnings will be normal.