Restart, Shut Down and resume from sleep don't work

I’m honestly unsure where to post this. If you think it would be better elsewhere, please tell me.

For some time now, “Restart” from the application launcher doesn’t restart the computer: instead it throws the system into an all-black window with a mouse cursor. “Shut Down” does the same. From there Ctrl-Alt-F4 (for instance) makes the mouse cursor disappear and gives me a textual login. Once logged in I can issue the CLI commands “reboot” or “shutdown now”, and they work.

When the system sleeps and I press a key to resume, after I enter my password it goes immediately to the same all-black window with a mouse cursor, where all I can do is login to reboot or shutdown.

This is happening with a new installation yesterday from the latest stable kit, manjaro-kde-24.1.1-241011-linux610.iso.

Why is this happening, and what can I do about it? Adopt the LTS version?

Sounds like the issue with restore session.

With KDE Plasma 6.1, the session saving feature can make Plasma hang.
A workaround is to disable it in System settings > Session > Desktop Session, by choosing “Start with an empty session”.


Oh surprise, you didn’t read the update announcements and had an issue that could be avoided by following the directions under known issues.

This question has been asked here 20 times already. You could also try searching the forum if you don’t find your issue in the known issues of an update announcement.

Well you’re in the right place…

What can you do about it:

  1. Launch your browser and install Innoreader extension, then use Innoreader to subscribe to the RSS feed mentioned in the Announcements thread:

This is a wiki post; please edit as necessary.
Please, consider subscribing to the Stable Updates Announcements RSS feed

  1. Do not ignore the fancy ‘Manjaro News’ icon which should show up in your system tray when updates are available.


This, in itself, will provide the same information that the RSS feed will display - though I would rather get it in my feed reader.

Sadly, as we get a LOT of this kind of PEBCAK issue from people who can’t be bothered checking update threads, reading news, or searching for answers… it does get very boring getting the same question over and over again, answering it over and over again.

Patience runs thinner for people who have been members of the forums for a number of months.

I hope you understand.

With a rolling distribution, it’s vital that you educate yourself (and the same goes for Arch and all Arch-based distributions).

As I’m not feeling particularly impatient today;
Simple instructions that require no additional research1:

1. Go to: System Settings:

2. Navigate to: SessionDesktop SessionSession Restore

3. Make sure the following is selected;

  • Start with an empty session

4. Logout (or reboot if you can)

5. Test that Restart/Shutdown/Resume now work as expected.

1. Always check the Update Announcements, and the general Forum search for information that might relate to your issue – before you create a Support thread.
The solution often already exists.

Good luck.

Or install akregator. :wink: It’s in the repos, and the OP is after all using Plasma. :slight_smile:


sudo pacman -S akregator

Possible, but something lighter for me. That’s a long scroll to install…

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