Reset Gnome Nautilus to defaults (fonts, colors, background etc.)

Hey all,
I search for a solution to reset my gnome nautilus. The current is broken with transparent background and too big font settings. Any hints?

Logout - then switch to TTY - login and move ~/.config/dconf/user to ~/.config/dconf/user.bak.

Then switch back to login window - login - all customization should now be reverted to default.

If you only want to reset select setting(s) - you can use the dconf-editor

You can reset a single app using dconf on commandline

dconf reset -f /org/gnome/nautilus/
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hm, all in gnome was resetted. Only Nautilus seems broken with too big fonts and a transparent background … args! :rofl:

I did also some other step with the same result. dconf reset, .config/nautilus clear

I switched to KDE because my problem pc (laptop) was the last device with gnome. I switch over to KDE and that is better for my actual workflow. Also I use KDE on any other system (at the moment).

I didn*t find the right solution for my nautilus problem, but I have not the time to install a clear setup instead of the upgrade. Monday is coming :rofl:

Thx a lot for your help!

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