+ country name


If I’m in my country, I’d be happy if I could access it with the following URL.
Please fix it if it’s easy to do. Low priority.

If it’s an easy task.
I’m not forcing Team to do it.

Hi @ehhen,

As far as I know there are to ways of using the repositories:

  1. Using the global one, which uses a CDN that automagically detects the best server for you to use;
  2. manually; you can set it up with the help of the pacman-mirrors command. For example, to limit the mirrors to Japan, run the following:
sudo pacman-mirrors --country Japan

Then all your pacman/pamac commands will use that mirror pool.

The list of countries available to be used, can be obtained with:

$ pacman-mirrors --country-list

Why would that be beneficial?

pacman-mirrors uses the data from the webserver to generate the mirrorlist / custom mirrorpool.

Because I want to reduce the number of clicks.

I think I can see why that isn’t working.

Is it possible to determine from the command line whether the server is synchronized or not?

I know how to use it.

Until now, I had it set to a server in Japan, but synchronization wasn’t working properly, so I’ve been doing this since last week.

sudo pacman-mirrors --country Global,Japan
1 Like
pacman-mirrors --status

The command will - if you have internet access - give you the current known status of the mirrors in your mirrorlist.

The data is parsed from the downloaded status.json file to /var/lib/pacman-mirrors

You can easily write you own miniparser to fetch the data and output data for your specific purpose.

The following will produce a mirrorlist with all mirrors regardless of status

 sudo pacman-mirrors -c japan --no-status

Then you can see how the --status output works

 $ sudo pacman-mirrors --status
Local mirror status for unstable branch
Mirror #1   OK  00:30   Japan
Mirror #2   --  11:12   Japan
Mirror #3   OK  01:50   Japan
Mirror #4   --  04:20   Japan

The source for pacman-mirrors is found at Applications / pacman-mirrors · GitLab


#                                                                                                                                 [Testing Update] 2024-10-02 - TBD @film
curl -s -o /tmp/13.rss ; cat /tmp/13.rss | head -20 | grep -oP '\[Testing Update\] 202\d-\d\d-\d\d - TBD' && exit || echo 'NO TBD , go ahead.'

yellow "現在ブランチ:: ▲ in $( pacman-mirrors --get-branch) branch."
                # echo 現在ブランチ `pacman-mirrors -G`

# pacman-mirrors --status | grep -P "OK.*(Japan|Global)"
pacman-mirrors --status | grep -P "OK.*(Japan|Global)"

# | grep TBD

if (( $? == 1 )); then
        green "not synced."
        yellow "or, sudo pacman-mirrors -f if broken."
		 sudo pamac checkupdates
        # blue sudo pacman-mirrors -f
                # go update
                green  "I can yay, pamac. yay はしらばく保留します。"
		        green "sudo pamac checkupdates"
                # set -x
                yellow  $1 です。
case "$1" in
            YAY | pamac )
                # cyan  "1st :: sudo pamac checkupdates ; pamac upgrade " # --aur
                cyan  "2nd :: sudo pamac checkupdates "
                cyan  "sudo pamac upgrade --aur " #                sleep 1
                # sudo pamac checkupdates && sudo pamac upgrade --aur
                sudo pamac checkupdates
                # sudo pamac upgrade --aur ||
                sudo pamac upgrade --aur #
            yay )
            *  )
                echo "HELP:: 引数がない。yay YAY pamac"
