If I’m in my country, I’d be happy if I could access it with the following URL.
Please fix it if it’s easy to do. Low priority.
If it’s an easy task.
I’m not forcing Team to do it.
If I’m in my country, I’d be happy if I could access it with the following URL.
Please fix it if it’s easy to do. Low priority.
If it’s an easy task.
I’m not forcing Team to do it.
Hi @ehhen,
As far as I know there are to ways of using the repositories:
command. For example, to limit the mirrors to Japan, run the following:sudo pacman-mirrors --country Japan
Then all your pacman/pamac commands will use that mirror pool.
The list of countries available to be used, can be obtained with:
$ pacman-mirrors --country-list
Why would that be beneficial?
pacman-mirrors uses the data from the webserver to generate the mirrorlist / custom mirrorpool.
Because I want to reduce the number of clicks.
I think I can see why that isn’t working.
Is it possible to determine from the command line whether the server is synchronized or not?
I know how to use it.
Until now, I had it set to a server in Japan, but synchronization wasn’t working properly, so I’ve been doing this since last week.
sudo pacman-mirrors --country Global,Japan
pacman-mirrors --status
The command will - if you have internet access - give you the current known status of the mirrors in your mirrorlist.
The data is parsed from the downloaded status.json file to /var/lib/pacman-mirrors
You can easily write you own miniparser to fetch the data and output data for your specific purpose.
The following will produce a mirrorlist with all mirrors regardless of status
sudo pacman-mirrors -c japan --no-status
Then you can see how the --status output works
$ sudo pacman-mirrors --status
Local mirror status for unstable branch
Mirror #1 OK 00:30 Japan http://ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp/Linux/manjaro/
Mirror #2 -- 11:12 Japan http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/manjaro/
Mirror #3 OK 01:50 Japan https://mirror.phoepsilonix.love/manjaro/
Mirror #4 -- 04:20 Japan https://mirrors.xtom.jp/manjaro/
The source for pacman-mirrors is found at Applications / pacman-mirrors · GitLab
# [Testing Update] 2024-10-02 - TBD @film
curl -s https://forum.manjaro.org/c/announcements/testing-updates/13.rss -o /tmp/13.rss ; cat /tmp/13.rss | head -20 | grep -oP '\[Testing Update\] 202\d-\d\d-\d\d - TBD' && exit || echo 'NO TBD , go ahead.'
yellow "現在ブランチ:: ▲ in $( pacman-mirrors --get-branch) branch."
# echo 現在ブランチ `pacman-mirrors -G`
# pacman-mirrors --status | grep -P "OK.*(Japan|Global)"
pacman-mirrors --status | grep -P "OK.*(Japan|Global)"
#https://forum.manjaro.org/c/announcements/testing-updates/13.rss | grep TBD
if (( $? == 1 )); then
green "not synced."
yellow "or, sudo pacman-mirrors -f if broken."
sudo pamac checkupdates
# blue sudo pacman-mirrors -f
# go update
green "I can yay, pamac. yay はしらばく保留します。"
green "sudo pamac checkupdates"
# set -x
yellow $1 です。
case "$1" in
YAY | pamac )
# cyan "1st :: sudo pamac checkupdates ; pamac upgrade " # --aur
cyan "2nd :: sudo pamac checkupdates "
cyan "sudo pamac upgrade --aur " # sleep 1
# sudo pamac checkupdates && sudo pamac upgrade --aur
sudo pamac checkupdates
# sudo pamac upgrade --aur || TIMESHIFT_ehhen.sh
sudo pamac upgrade --aur #
yay )
* )
echo "HELP:: 引数がない。yay YAY pamac"