Replacing KWallet by KeepassXC

I followed the instructions here:

to replace KWallet by KeepassXC. In a nutshell:

  1. UNchecked “Enable the KDE wallet subsystem” in System Settings
  2. created /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.secrets.service and put in:
[D-BUS Service]
  1. edited ~/.config/kwalletrc. The file is now:
[Auto Allow]

[Auto Deny]

Close When Idle=false
Close on Screensaver=false
Default Wallet=kdewallet
First Use=false
Idle Timeout=10
Launch Manager=true
Leave Manager Open=true
Leave Open=true
Prompt on Open=true
Use One Wallet=true


  1. created a test database in keepassxc, made a folder named “kwallet” and in the database’s “database security”,I " exposed entries under this group".

  2. In KeepassXC global settings, I enabled KeepassXC Secret Service integration. All check boxes under “General” are checked, i.e. show notifications when passwords are retrieved, etc. The Exposed database groups below that confirms that test.kdbx, group Kwallet, is exposed.

After a restart, KeepasXC is supposed to act as a secrets manager for everything except Brave. However, Dolphin secure password storage is not working. When I try to open an encrypted LUKS drive in Dolphin and check to save the password, there is no interaction with the (open) test database. Nothing is saved, nothing indicates an attempt to store or retrieve.

When I launch Brave with --password-store=gnome-libsecret , it connects to the KeepassXC database and stores information on it.

What am I missing with Dolphin and LUKS passwords?

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