Remove and purge all program files

Hi, I am using Manjaro and I recently installed code:blocks and uninstalled it, I have passed all kind of parameters allowed inside the -R option of pacman to purge all files and however I do a recursive search through the whole filesystem and it keeps finding configuration files etc. And there are configuration files like ~/.conf/codeblocks* that I find very strange to think that they must still be there after a successful uninstall. My goal is to know how to uninstall a program in a way that leaves the computer completely clean. Thanks.

My output after uninstall code:blocks package with:

pacman -Rsn codeblocks
[oscar@MANJARO ~]$ sudo find / | grep codeblocks
[sudo] password for oscar: 
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permiso denegado

you need to reboot after running the command
there are leftovers in your /home directory, which you have to remove manually - dont know if there is any command that removes also the leftovers from the home directory, am also interested in it …
there are also leftovers in cache
and the codeblock icon are just icon for this program in your icon theme

Files created in your $HOME directory must be removed manually.

Absent of installing in a virtual machine or container, or possibly using flatpaks/snaps/appimages, you could run a command like below right after the installation and after you run the application to see what files are created. There are a number of datetime options on the find command.

find $HOME -newermt '1 minute ago'

You can see a package’s system related installation files using:

 pacman -Ql <pkgname>

Some of those files, especially the icons, are installed from icon packages.

You can see who owns a file:

pacman -Qo <file>
pacman -Fx <regex>   # May require a refresh (-Fy). See man pacman.
# If you use the mlocate package & updatedb. There's a systemd updatedb.timer.
locate <pattern>