Realtek Semiconductor driver

I installed this driver and everything was working good but after reinstall manjaro on my laptop and i try to install the driver again it not working for me can someone help


Hi @nano1,

While we can probably help with the driver installation, we’re not teachers, so I don’t think we can help you with proper punctuation.

dkms packages need the proper headers installed for your kernel(s) before you can install them. To install the headers for your installed kernels, run:

pamac install $(pamac list --installed --quiet | grep "^linux" | grep "^linux[0-9]*[-rt]*$" | awk '{print $1"-headers"}' ORS=' ')

This will install the headers for all currently installed kernels.

The driver is an AUR package, so you need to install the base-devel meta-package to install it first. To do so, run the following:

pamac install base-devel

After which, you should be able to install the driver:

pamac build rtl8192fu-dkms-git

If all goes well, you can reboot.

Hope this helps!