I have messed up my installation and want to do a fresh install. Can’t seem to find an answer. I have manjaro on a usb flash drive. When i boot from usb it just loads like normal, no option to re-install or repair?
Thank you in advance
Then do it as you did first time.
There are ways to repair broken installs from chroot
The first time i had a windows machine, it loaded from usb into live environment.
I can’t seem to access the live environment, it just loads straight in like normal. I have boot order set to usb first that doesn’t work. Tried manually selecting from boot menu. I create the iso with
sudo dd bs=4M if=/home/estaban/Downloads/manjaro-xfce-21.0.6-210607-linux510.iso of=/dev/sdb1 status=progress oflag=sync
I’ll try recreating it, i may try the chroot option, never done it before.
Thank you
[quote="[HowTo] Chroot from or into any Linux distribution, post:1, topic:34071"]
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆ Step 1: Mount your system. This works for both GRUB and EFI systems/installations Okay, the first thing to do is to be root. To do so, open a terminal and type in sudo -i then hit the Enter key. You may then give in your password if prompted. We then need to create a directory where we will mount the target system. In this case, let’s make a directory named “chroot”, by entering mkdir /chroot in the terminal. Time to find where is your system located!! To do so, you may e…
This might be a bit beyond me. I don’t really understand terms like binding etc
You have defined a wrong target in your syntax, target should be the device /dev/sdb, not the partition /dev/sdb1. Details see here:
Well, there is also the easy way. Just type: manjaro-chroot -a
and you are in chroot after choosing the installation by number.
Nice one sunshine, appreciate that! now on my fresh install everything working perfectly, unfortunately its still me using it so anything can happen!
Have a good day!
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