Rbenv package no longer available in Manjaro

In Arch they moved the rbenv package from the AUR to extra -


However the package is not in the Manjaro extra repo.

I would like to propose that rbenv and the related packages (ruby-build and potentially other that I’m not aware of) should be added to Manjaro’s extra repo.

Apologies if this is the wrong way to suggest this change - I’m a long time arch user, but running my first Manjaro install.

mbn info rbenv -q | rg -e 'Branch' -e 'Version'| bat
       │ STDIN
   1   │ Branch         : archlinux
   2   │ Version        : 1.3.0-2
   3   │ Branch         : unstable
   4   │ Version        : 1.3.0-2
   5   │ Branch         : testing
   6   │ Version        : 1.3.0-2

It appears to be here…

rbenv doesn’t seem to be in Stable currently:

I don’t know why that is; however, you could try switching to Testing or Unstable branch, as one possible workaround.

rbenv v1.3.0-2 is currently in both.

Welcome to the forum! :vulcan_salute:

It’s already available in the Unstable and Testing branches, but not yet in the Stable branch, as you can see here.

If you need this package urgently, then I would advise you to switch to the Testing branch. :point_down:

sudo pacman-mirrors -B testing -f && sudo pacman -Syyu rbenv
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It will be in the next stable branch update.

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It already is. Manjaro has three branches. Switch to the one that works best for you.