Raspberry Pi Kernels (2.0)

The linux-rpi-mainline has been bumped to 5.15.0-1 (5.14 is no more). These new kernel and the latest 2 raspberrypi-bootloader packages has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

This kernel also has support for the new pi zero 2 W device.

linux-rpi4-mainline 5.15.0-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 5.15.0-1
raspberrypi-bootloader 20211028-1
raspberrypi-bootloader-x 20211028-1

every boot, back to analog device but i need headphone device for audio.
ps. analog no sound.

In Pulse Audio Volume Control Set the headphones as Fallback.

Nothing wrong with Analog here.

The latest linux-rpi kernel and the 2 raspberrypi-bootloader packages has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

I hope they have settled down with making changes for the new rpi zero 2w.

linux-rpi4 5.10.76-1
linux-rpi4-headers 5.10.76-1
raspberrypi-bootloader 20211102-1
raspberrypi-bootloader-x 20211102-1

The latest linux-rpi4-mainline kernel packages has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

This kernel also has the latest rpi zero 2 w adjustments.

linux-rpi4-mainline 5.15.0-2
linux-rpi4-mainline headers-5.15.0-2

What was the issue ? why did you release a second one for the same version ?

Just trying to keep up with them changing things around with the new rpi zero 2 w device.

There was an issue though I found when I saw the pi zero 2 w change this mourning I compiled the kernel and noticed they had commited another commit since the last kernel I released a few posts above that caused the screen to blank they had fixed on the 5.10 kernel so I told them and they had it fixed in 8 minutes. This issue was on my end here only and not present in the repo. Scroll down near the bottom:


Concerning controls for audio devices with kms. Sound starts at 100% volume, but you have to play a sound first, then you can adjust the volume level. Not great but evidently, the way it will be.

My first thought… can a pi make a pitch like a dog whistle? Something that can not be heard and then adjust it?

The latest kernels linux-rpi4 / linux-rpi4-mainline and rpi-eeprom packages has been pushed to the testing and unstable branches.

They ran into a wifi issue concerning connecting and re-connecting and there are some secure boot improvements in “beta” with the rpi-eprom package which you would have to be using “beta” and secure boot to realize any change with the rpi-eprom package.

linux-rpi4 5.10.76-2
linux-rpi4 headers-5.10.76-2
linux-rpi4 mainline-5.15.0-3
linux-rpi4 mainline-headers-5.15.0-3
rpi-eeprom 20211027-1

PiOS move to 5.15 for test and recommend switch to kms.
but, after minutes, freeze.

Disable compositing

what does that mean, how?

Disable the window compositor in you DE’s Settings. I have no clue what DE you have. Also seems like kms is not compatible with wayland either. @0n0w1c would know.

Rpi may recommend things for their images but they do not have all of the DE’s we have.

5.15 + kms + xorg + kwin compositor is a very broken combination (won’t boot). Disable the kwin compositor, then it runs fine.

Recently, kms + wayland + plasma has improved. But Firefox + youtube will freeze the desktop. If I recall correctly, Sway ran fine with kms.

I believe picom is used as the compositor for the RPiOS desktop. If your DE allows running an alternate compositor, you might give it a try.

Edit: For the firefox + youtube, maybe it is because I did not setup Firefox for Wayland. I will try to confirm this later this evening.

but, where to set kwin compositor?

in Plasma Settings → Displays → Compositor.

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He will have to boot with fkms first so he can make the changes or freezing up will be an issue.

Maybe this will come to the aide of kms & 5.15.

Edit: This PR did get merged.

If he has access to the filesystem, he can edit ~/.config/kwinrc from:



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See what it does. Pushed to unstable when the mirrors sync.

linux-rpi4-mainline 5.15.0-4
linux-rpi4-mainline headers-5.15.0-4