Raspberry Pi Kernels (2.0)

When I decompile the dtb, it appears both pci@1,0 and usb@1,0 have changed in new kernels. And they correspond what I think are the start4.elf errors messages, those prior to the uefi raspberry.

Maybe an updated start4.elf will fix it.

Edit: Nope, downloaded the latest start4.elf and fixup4.dat, same error messages and no working usb 2.0.

Maybe there is a regression?

That was a long time ago and if I remember right I had a newer board revision than they did. Anyway I am not seeing your issues here but I do not have uefi/grub installed at the moment. It plays different.

The latest rpi-eeprom has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

Nothing new but some things in “beta” and one might be of interest to @johntdavis84 I believe he has some sort of Sabrent drive:


The install of this new rpi-eeprom package will pull in xxd-standalone package because of this change:


rpi-eeprom 20211123-1

That package removed my gvim install (conflict).

If I’m not wrong, the AUR xxd-standalone package didn’t have this conflict…

That is where i got it.

Otherwise, do you plan to release a new version of linux-rpi4-mainline ?

Uploaded a new rpi-eeprom package so you can uninstall xxd-standalone and re-install your gvim. When installing it will give a message:

New optional dependencies for rpi-eeprom
    xxd-standalone: Install if xxd is not installed by another program

rpi-eeprom 20211123-2

Right now they have all kernel’s broke with KMS. I have not heard anything today on the issue different from what I posted above yesterday. This issue has been going on and off for a month now with their kernels.


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If I use the current Tumbleweed (upstream kernel) bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb with linux-rc and uefi, all is working. I note it too has pci@1,0 and usb@1,0 which seems to be the magic for usb keyboard and mouse.
So now I have:

$ pibootctl list

│ Name               │ Active │ Timestamp           │
│ rpi4-fkms          │        │ 2021-11-16 17:45:28 │
│ rpi4-kms           │        │ 2021-11-23 13:06:50 │
│ rpi4-mainline-fkms │        │ 2021-11-23 13:09:14 │
│ rpi4-mainline-kms  │        │ 2021-11-23 13:08:38 │
│ rpi4-rc-fkms       │        │ 2021-11-23 13:10:36 │
│ rpi4-rc-kms        │        │ 2021-11-23 13:10:16 │
│ uefi-grub          │ ✓      │ 2021-11-24 08:23:14 │
│ vanilla-rc         │        │ 2021-11-23 15:35:30 │

Are all bootable and working configurations.

Do kernel configs modify the devicetree?
The issue does seem to be directly related to the devicetree, I wonder if there is some kernel config that changes the pci@1,0 & usb@1,0 to pci@0,0 & usb@0,0 in the .dtb?

Edit: I also noticed the tumbleweed .dtb is quite a bit larger than the one generated by linux-rc. The sizes are 54057 verses 36750 respectively.

Edit 2: Ah, I found dtoverlay=upstream-pi4 which seems to fix the missing vc4 when using the older rpi kernel devicetrees, with the linux-rc kernel and uefi + grub.

No clue. Maybe tumbleweed modified their .dtb

I have pushed the latest linux-rpi4, linux-rpi4 and raspberrypi-bootloader packages to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

They still have not fixed the KMS screen blanking issue yet on these kernels but I have created a patch to revert their new gamma commits that causes the issue and seem to be ok. I am having a hard time getting my head around why the gamma commits are desired when one can adjust the tint/brightness… in real time with the monitor instead of fiddling with hit and miss values on the command line.


The new 5.16-rc2 kernel is still broke for me here using KMS & FKMS. It gives a black screen with a mouse pointer trying to load lightdm greeter. Maybe it might work with another greeter? It does seem to work well if KMS & FKMS is disabled and xf86-video-fbdev installed so if you run in this mode I not putting this kernel in the repo but you can download it from my google drive if you want to play with it.

You will notice that the LOCALVERSION kernel names has changed due to conflict with kernels having the same version. This makes it possible to have multiple kernels at the same time so one can boot with grub/uefi. Like installing linux-rc upstream kernel.

[ray@pi4 ~]$ uname -r

Pushed to unstable:

linux-rpi4 5.10.81-1
linux-rpi4-headers 5.10.81-1
linux-rpi4-mainline 5.15.4-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 5.15.4-1
raspberrypi-bootloader 20211122-1
raspberrypi-bootloader-x 20211122-1

New 5.16-rc2 kernel on my google drive:


I am going to be out of pocket for a couple of days going to my boy’s place to celebrate a US holiday.

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pb with rpi4-post-install

core/linux-rpi4-mainline          5.15.1-1          5.15.4-1                0,94 MiB
core/linux-rpi4-mainline-headers  5.15.1-1          5.15.4-1                0,03 MiB
core/raspberrypi-bootloader       20211108-1        20211122-1              0,00 MiB
core/raspberrypi-bootloader-x     20211108-1        20211122-1              0,00 MiB
community/rpi4-post-install       20211014-1        20211125-1              0,00 MiB

Taille totale installée :      372,78 MiB
Taille de mise à jour nette :    2,36 MiB

:: Procéder à l’installation ? [O/n] o
(6/6) vérification des clés dans le trousseau                                                         [####################################################] 100%
(6/6) vérification de l’intégrité des paquets                                                   [####################################################] 100%
(6/6) chargement des fichiers des paquets                                                  [####################################################] 100%
(6/6) analyse des conflits entre fichiers                                                  [####################################################] 100%
erreur : la validation de la transaction a échoué (conflit de fichiers )
rpi4-post-install : /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vcio-rewrite.rules est déjà présent dans le système de fichiers
Des erreurs se sont produites, aucun paquet n’a été mis à jour.
 -> erreur à l'installation des dépôts des paquets
 core/linux-rpi4-mainline          5.15.1-1          5.15.4-1                0,94 MiB
core/linux-rpi4-mainline-headers  5.15.1-1          5.15.4-1                0,03 MiB
core/raspberrypi-bootloader       20211108-1        20211122-1              0,00 MiB
core/raspberrypi-bootloader-x     20211108-1        20211122-1              0,00 MiB
community/rpi4-post-install       20211014-1        20211125-1              0,00 MiB

Taille totale installée :      372,78 MiB
Taille de mise à jour nette :    2,36 MiB

 :: Procéder à l’installation ? [O/n] o
 (6/6) vérification des clés dans le trousseau                                              [####################################################] 100%
 (6/6) vérification de l’intégrité des paquets                                              [####################################################] 100%
(6/6) chargement des fichiers des paquets                                                  [####################################################] 100%
(6/6) analyse des conflits entre fichiers                                                      [####################################################] 100%
erreur : la validation de la transaction a échoué (conflit de fichiers )
rpi4-post-install : /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vcio-rewrite.rules est déjà présent dans le système de fichiers
Des erreurs se sont produites, aucun paquet n’a été mis à jour.
 -> erreur à l'installation des dépôts des paquets

It appears you have manually created that file being it exists.

sudo pacman -S rpi4-post-install --overwrite “*”

The do a -Syu to update everything else.

rpi4-post-install was updated today for the camera to operate with out sudo

Same error here. Didn’t create that file.

Ok. @Strit and I need to put our thinking hats on. It is evidently being put there from another source outside of a package. Like is some post_install

If you haven’t overwritten it yet, can you try running:

pacman -Qo /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vcio-rewrite.rules

And see what it returns.

pacman -Qo /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vcio-rewrite.rules
erreur : aucun paquet ne contient /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vcio-rewrite.rules

inside i have

KERNEL=="vcio", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="vchiq", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"

Might be something in the profiles

Yes. We are adding another line to it.