Random number generator HAVEGED has stopped!

Is it supposed to stop? Should I just enable it again?

systemctl status haveged.service                                 ✔ 
○ haveged.service - Entropy Daemon based on the HAVEGE algorithm
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/haveged.service; enabled; vendor p>
     Active: inactive (dead)
  Condition: start condition failed at Sat 2021-11-20 09:22:13 IST; 2min 24s ago
             └─ ConditionKernelVersion=<5.6 was not met
       Docs: man:haveged(8)

Uhm. I think it says it there. It failed, because kernel is not lesser than 5.6

Are you up to date and all?
Or does this mean haveged is deprecated past then? I honestly dont know and havent checked.

Yes, we talked about it I think.

You can remove it completely if nothing else depends it.

It was enabled with kernel 5.13. I just updated my system today and moved to kernel 5.15 and removed kernel 5.13. I also have kernel 5.10 as a backup.

Oh you. Dreaming about talking to me. :wink:
Heh, but as I said I honestly dont know (…or remember then).
But I will take this as confirmation and try to remember.

random seed service taking long time to load… so i want some kind of entropy generator

haveged will never load again as you already have a random number generator. :wink:

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So I am removing it. Think it is not needed with recent kernels. No major change in entropy with it enabled.

oh ya…thank you… :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yes or No ???

sudo pacman -Rns haveged                                       1 ✘ 
checking dependencies...
:: pacman optionally requires haveged: for pacman-init.service

Packages (1) haveged-1.9.15-1

Total Removed Size:  0.15 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]

It’s not needed. As you can see, it’s only optional.

In the future, please edit your previous post instead of posting multiple times in a row. I’ve merged them.

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