Questionmark on working Wifi

One of my WiFi networks uses a PiHole as a DNS server. When I connect via this WiFi, I see a question mark as a WiFi icon. But I can easily surf and reach addresses on the Internet. So, in my view, everything should work. Why is the question mark displayed?

… because your pihole blocks the connectivity check url ping location
which then in turn triggers that question mark

Can you please tell me, how to find the current used uri? Maybe i can unblock it or choose a unblocked uri.

[teo@teo-lenovo-v15 ~]$ cat /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/20-connectivity.conf

You can also disable it if you want, and after pihole you probably do not need it, same topic.

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Ahhhh is of course blocked. This makes it much more clear for me. Now I can overwrite this uri with my own uri. Many thx.

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