Question regarding updates

Hi all,

I’m a relative newbie so please be patient. Using Manjaro with i3 here. Started an update about 2 hours ago using yay -Syyu. I notice that Manjaro 22 stable is out and the downloads seemed to go as usual. However, my update is going through this below process. It’s not something I’ve seen before, despite having used Manjaro for the last couple of years. I was just wondering if this is all normal. It has been on this stage of the update for about and an hour and a half and it seems it will take another few hours to complete.

If you could point me to the relevant info so I can educate myself, or let me know if there are any issues that would be great. Looking to learn too!

This output is not a manjaro update but a custom package being built or rebuilt.

I will strongly advise: do not update custom packages in the same run as your general system update.

Always run system updates - major updates on stable branch usually requies a reboot - only then can you proceed to rebuild your custom packages.

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Thanks this was helpful. I aborted the custom package, restarted and am now updating that. The update to 22 seems to have worked ok with no issues. Thanks!