I’m just trying to understand what happened and if I took the right course of action.
I ran pacman-mirrors
and everything looked good.
Pacman-mirrors version 4.16.4
Local mirror status for stable branch
Mirror #1 OK 01:20 United_States https://mirrors.gigenet.com/manjaro/
Mirror #2 OK 00:19 United_States https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/manjaro/
Mirror #3 OK 00:09 United_States https://mirror.dacentec.com/manjaro/
Mirror #4 OK 07:40 United_States https://mirror.clarkson.edu/manjaro/
Mirror #5 OK 00:19 United_States https://repo.ialab.dsu.edu/manjaro/
Mirror #6 OK 02:19 United_States https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/manjaro/
Mirror #7 OK 00:30 United_States https://us.mirrors.fossho.st/manjaro/
The First Execution
I received the messages below.
==> Checking if MHWD is needing an update …
warning: mhwd-0.6.5-2 is up to date – reinstalling
Why is a “up to date” package a warning and reinstalling?
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: bashrc-manjaro will be installed before its bash dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: smbclient will be installed before its cifs-utils dependency
Did some searching on the above. I’ve seen similar warnings in the past and they
seemed to heal themselves.
Then there was the normal Retrieving and then Updating, which ended with:
error: could not extract /usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSerifMalayalam-Light.ttf (Zstd decompression failed: Corrupted block detected)
error: problem occurred while upgrading noto-fonts
error: could not commit transaction
error: failed to commit transaction (transaction aborted)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
I have gotten the above messages before, but different files. If I run pacman
again, it seems to work.
The Second Execution
warning: could not get file information for usr/lib/thunderbird/distribution/distribution.ini
I know I got this because of the first run. No issue.
(3/5) Unregistering Haskell modules…
error: command failed to execute correctly
I’m guessing I got this because of the first run.
In the end, the second run of pacman finished successfully.
Is there anything I could have done differently?