Hi, I wasn’t sure if this is the best place to post this, however, when following the Virt-manager guide on the Wiki wiki.manjaro.org/index.php/Virt-manager it isn’t clear that the SWTPM module isn’t installed during the initial process.
Simply running the command ‘pamac install swtpm’ was the solution, but it took me a while to work that out.
Whether or not this is common knowledge or not, I feel it should have been mentioned in the wiki (and hopefully updated) as that is where I at least turned to when setting up virt-manager.
Other than this, everything worked out of the box by following the wiki.
Because that wiki is not dedicated to installing under virtualization the Windows 11 and the new Windows Server that require a TPM (Trusted Platform Module), so was no need, for who wrote that entry in the wiki, to mention that the virtualization host requires SWTPM.
It is just that, a general wiki about Virt-manager, and first steps into using it.
The dependency was there when I edited the Wiki, but was removed by another editor later due to the change of qemu package structure. I added the TPM support description again (waiting for approval).
I actually have another question about dependency though. In ArchWiki, it says iptables-nft , dnsmasq and dmidecode are needed for the default network, while @Yochanan only keeps dnsmasq as the necessary dependency. I wonder which instruction is correct.
Thanks for the replies in general, I would agree it is a Windows 11 requirement, but it is something I came across almost immediately so I thought it was worth mentioning as a general search on the forums did not reveal the answer.
I’m not sure about the network side, but NAT works just fine with the wiki configuration. I’m trialling this as I may run Manjaro as my host for work, but virtualise Windows 10/11 as we run Office 365. Best of both worlds potentially.
virt-manager tend to be more complicated to setup and maintain.
VirtualBox works just fine for that purpose. Unless strictly required for advanced use like USB passthrough you should avoid the extension package.
I run Win10 (Visual Studio 2022) and WinXP (VB6 - old legacy software maintenance) in VirtualBox - the only issue I ever had was a few months ago - but that was upstream regressions.
Generally I don’t disagree, VirtualBox is great and simple to use, however, I am getting quite a lot of use from the QEMU/KVM side of things. I maintain run a ProxMox cluster for virtualisation and it works very well, a lot of functionality in the GUI, which is also there in the Virt-Manager UI too for the most part.
All in all both very good solutions with their respective use cases.
Anyway, I think we’re a smidge off topic so I’ll stop now.