Python mariadb connector

I’d like to use the mariadb package in Python on my Manjaro machine. For this I run pip install mariadb and it fails with ERROR: Failed building wheel for mariadb.

When I search about this I find a wild diversity of requirements ranging from gcc to libmysqlclient-dev. I have tried many of the packages but none ever made a difference.

I found the mariadb-connector-c but it also fails to install, this time something about MA_REMOTE_FILE calloc size. And I tried python-mariadb-connector but it is broken at the moment anyway I see in the AUR.

My question is, is anyone using Python and Mariadb on Manjaro?

Yes, without problems.

Could you please elaborate on the packages you installed?

I’m not using the python-mariadb-connector. I try not to use AUR packages if possible.

The python-mysql-connector is in the normal Repository and can be used with MariaDB. Depending what your are trying to, the python-mysql-connector might fail, but for basic SQL stuf there are no differentes between the mysql and mariadb connectors.

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Use a virtualenv and you can go crazy with pip packages.